What is Programming: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Computer programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a specific task. Programming involves tasks such as: analysis, generating algorithms, profiling algorithms' accuracy and resource consumption, and the implementation of algorithms in a chosen programming language (commonly referred to as coding). The source code of a program is written in one or more languages that are intelligible to programmers, rather than machine code, which is directly executed by the central processing unit. The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of instructions that will automate the performance of a task (which can be as complex as an operating system) on a computer, often for solving a given problem. Proficient programming thus often requires expertise in several different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms, and formal logic.
Tasks accompanying and related to programming include: testing, debugging, source code maintenance, implementation of build systems, and management of derived artifacts, such as the machine code of computer programs. These might be considered part of the programming process, but often the term software development is used for this larger process with the term programming, implementation, or coding reserved for the actual writing of code. Software engineering combines engineering techniques with software development practices. Reverse engineering is a related process used by designers, analysts and programmers to understand and re-create/re-implement.

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  1. K

    Why is Python Telling Me My Variable is Not Defined?

    Homework Statement Hi. So I'm stuck on a few things right now, but the main one is that Python is telling me that one of my variables is not defined. I have stressed over this for about an hour now trying everything to change it, and I cannot seem to find issue. Homework Equations...
  2. PainterGuy

    C/C++ Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition) by Robert Lafore

    hello every1, i was able to find this book "Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition) by Robert Lafore" in a local library. I am thinking of self-learning c++.. do u have any information on this text...is it easy...im totally blank in this area of programming and computers in...
  3. P

    Complex semidefinite programming

    For semidefinite programming (SDP), we have the primal and dual forms as: primal min <C,X> s.t. <A_i,X> = b_i, i=1,...,m X>=0 dual max <b,y> s.t. y_1*A_1 + ... + y_m*A_m <=C where the data A_i and C are assumed to be real symmetric matrices in many textbooks and online...
  4. PainterGuy

    Object oriented programming (oop)

    hello, i have tried to read wikipedia and wisegeek articles on _objected oritented programming_ but didn't learn a bit. I'm simply trying to learn the basics and know almost nothing abt programming so far. can u give me some basic understanding of this oop, please? wut r these objects? i...
  5. C

    Schools Stuck in a Programming Rut: What Should I Do?

    Hello , I'm in a very sticky situation this semester I have to take computer programming courses and much to my dismay I have no interest at all, there are only 2 options that I can take : take the semester off or continue and "hope" to get a decent mark? What do you think I should do, the...
  6. V

    Essential programming for physics/mathematics

    Hello, I was wondering what programming languages are essential to a physicist/mathematician. In the courses I am in, I have encountered programming homework assignments that I did not anticipate(differential equations and classical mechanics). Needless to say, I have had very little...
  7. T

    Maximizing Investment Returns w/ Linear Programming

    Homework Statement An investment group has $250,000 to invest. At least 20% must be in municipal bonds, at least 40% in a combination of (electronic firms, aerospace firms, & drug manufacturers), & finally no more than 50% in municipal bonds should be placed in a high-risk, high yield...
  8. J

    Programming PICs in C: Resource Guide

    Hey all! So I recently purchased a PIC16F690 for a project and I've been trying to learn the assembly language for it and it's turning into a somewhat daunting task. I've programmed in assembly before but it was with an ATMEL chip. This was about two years ago, so everything is kinda fuzzy...
  9. R

    Engineering Programming for Electrical Engineers

    I've always been told that an electrical engineer should be well-versed in a high level programming language. Which would be the most useful? C++?
  10. J

    Relevance of BASIC programming to PHYSICS

    I was just wondering if there is any valid relevance of BASIC programming to a physicist. How much of Physics can we put in BASIC? If there is, can I hear you? Please.
  11. M

    3D Programming: Experiences and Insights

    Was just wondering if anyone here has tried 3D programming. If you have, what language did you write in, what difficulties did you have, and what did you find interesting about it? As of now I know of Direct3D and OpenGL, but, if I'm not mistaken, you can use different languages to write...
  12. C

    Calculators Programming ti83 cursor to NOT blink?

    is there any way to program a ti83 so that its cursor doesn't blink?
  13. A

    Programming language for Mechatronics

    Hey, I was wondering, since mechatronics deals with control system and computer programming, what sort of programming language would be beneficial for me to start learning now before my university starts? since i have around 6 months i though i would be good idea to start learning some...
  14. R

    Programs Programming classes or self-teach? (physics major)

    Hello. I am a third year physics major (technically, although I am still taking 200 level classes) and understand that programming is a must. I do not know anything about programming. I initially planned on taking a summer programming course (if not, then next fall) but it seems as though I'd...
  15. E

    Programming in mechanical engineering

    Hi, I have a general question related to the mechanical engineering profession. I am a second year mechanical engineering student and I also have a college degree in computer science, my skills are mainly C/C++ programming and networking/Linux environment (system administration). I love...
  16. J

    Application Programming Interface (API)

    An is a particular set of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software program that implements that API. It serves as an interface between different software programs and facilitates...
  17. J

    C programming Q: initializing an array of structures

    I am writing a program in C (vanilla, non-C++/C#) and I am having trouble figuring out why my initialization of my array of structures isn't working. I have tried a number of things without any luck. I still get a compiler error: "conflicting types for 'cardInfo' " I am writing a simple...
  18. T

    Idea for graphics programming project?

    Hello! I'm studying graphics programming right now, and in the end of this one semester long course we are going to make a project in which we will program an application that displays some nice graphics. I want to take this as an opportunity to show that I have a talent for programming (having...
  19. C

    Programming: Where can I find an ASCII Table?

    Homework Statement I am given the binary equivalent of ASCII codes and I am asked to decode a particular binary message (ASCII binary to actual ASCII character). I am required to write it in C. Where can I get a text file of the ASCII code so I may create a look up table? I googled...
  20. Shackleford

    Math Math degree useless without knowing programming?

    Is it? I don't any languages. I don't really care to learn them, but I know I'll be at a great disadvantage in the job market. Are there computational jobs that allow you to learn/acquire skills on the job? If I don't learn any languages, generally speaking, what careers would be open for...
  21. C

    Any advatage using the ML programming language?

    been learning ML programming, just fun to learn new things, what this ML programming used for anyways? how is this better that C or C++?
  22. N

    Mastering Programming Job Exams: Essential Techniques and Algorithms for Success

    I would like to know what to review for tests given by employers for programming jobs most problem solving techniques algorithims i recently took one and was caught off guard by how to find the abs min of a set was
  23. C

    Chemistry Chemistry & Computer Programming

    I love computer programming, but I'm currently on a BSc Chemistry degree. Is there anyway I can combine these for a job/career?
  24. G

    Programming Language for Physicists: Which is Most Important?

    As computers become each time more important to do computations in physics, it is important to know which programming language would be the most important for a physicist. What do you think?
  25. Simfish

    Bad programming skills = biggest hurdle to astronomy research

    http://weareallinthegutter.wordpress.com/2010/12/22/astronomy-bottlenecks What are your thoughts on this?
  26. P

    Good embedded systems and its programming in c books

    Hi guys, i wanting to learn embedded systems and its programming through C language can you people suggest some good books on this subject.
  27. N

    Picking a language (programming)

    Hello, so I am a junior in college right now...I am double majored in mathematics and computer science. I was curious, I know C++ pretty well and was interested in starting web development languages. I know I will have to learn html and SQL as they are pretty much standard for web...
  28. P

    MATLAB Access Variable in MATLAB Structure Using User Input

    Hi I am trying to use MATLAB for some data analysis. I start by getting user input for a variable called exptno, Then I want to access a location in a structure, but to do this I need to append the variable exptno to the name of the structure. Ill try and give an example to hopefully make it...
  29. physics girl phd

    Learning Programming: Suggestions for a Middle-Schooler?

    I'd like to start our middle child (age 11) learning some programming. It's been a long time since I've learned a new language, so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, including some texts to get for him (we restrict his online access, so I want his help to come from a book, not...
  30. F

    MATLAB How Can I Simplify This Matlab Source Code for GUI Implementation?

    Hi, Matlab noob here. I need your help to simplify this Matlab source code. Here the code that i currently use for k=1:1:gg k1=gains(k,1); k2=gains(k,2); k3=gains(k,3); . . kn=pidgains(k,n) [T,X,Y]=sim('Evaporator_PID',[Tstart Tfinal],opt); end...
  31. M

    Fortran Fortran (better suited to programming section)

    The following question pertains to programming, but I have posted it here because I want the views of mathematicians (also of physicists and engineers), not those of computer scientists (which i already know) and I do not know how many of the former category care to look into programming...
  32. S

    Dynamic Programming Related Questions

    Hi all, (1.) Can someone tell me the difference between a compact valued and single valued correspondence? (2.) I have been seeing repeating themes of "continuity on a compact set". Does that imply boundedness and thus possible to attain maximum? (3.) What's the difference between...
  33. A

    Programs Is a computer science degree suitable for someone with no programming exp

    Howdy All! I have been lurking in the shadows of physicsforums for a few months now, but this is my first official post here. A bit of background about me. I'm technically in my second year of university, but I say "technically" because I more or less squandered away my first year. I'm...
  34. D

    Learning a Programming Language

    University has finished for me this year until late February of next year, so i currently have plenty of spare time (and loving it) :smile: Normally over the summer holidays i like to just have a break from uni study, but i am still always keen to learn something--something that i want to learn...
  35. U

    C Programming: Output of Float Calculation

    The question is What will be the output? #include<stdio.h> int main(void) {float y=6/4; printf("%.1f\n",y);} The answer is 1.0 I got that right by trusting my senses:biggrin:; but I want to understand why.
  36. A

    Comp Sci C++, where Programming Meets Chemistry.

    Homework Statement http://www.engr.mun.ca/~markevans/engr1020/Eng1020Labs/Assignments/Entries/2010/11/16_Assignment_8__Computers!_Science!.htmlThe Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure how to use array in this assignment, and I'm not sure where to use switch statement... My Code #include...
  37. D

    Testing Hand written programming exams

    So I am taking an intro to programming class and am doing pretty well. I am getting high 90s on all assignments and end up helping others during lab time (used to practice programming). However, on our last exam I got a B on the test (about average). Not too bad, but I know I can do better. Now...
  38. L

    Programming Language Project Ideas

    I am in a class where we are studying concepts and design of programming languages. For a project we are suppose to design our own programming language or come up with some alternative project idea to do for the class. So, my question is... do ya'll have any ideas for an interesting and...
  39. S

    Simulations - Programming languages?

    I was wondering whether anyone has experience in astronomy simulations. If so, what language do you use and recommend? I've done Haskell and a very small bit of C++... I've been told Python is good, what are your thoughts? Also are there any good websites that may get me started? Thanks
  40. T

    General programming language question

    I'm currently in a computer science class in my senior year of high school and we're learning java. I was wondering if this is going to be the language I would be using in the workforce after college if I graduate with an interactive media degree. I've heard multiple people say that java is a...
  41. P

    Programs Is Programming Experience Necessary for a PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics?

    Hi! I'd like to do a PhD in theoretical particle physics, but I have the following problem. I found an advertisement, where I should work on numerical algorithms for the calculation of some certain integrals. Furthermore, I should work on Monte Carlo simulations. During my master thesis...
  42. T

    With which programming language is v-bulletin

    with which programming language is v-bulletin (on which pf runs) made? Was it created by you Greg? How much time did it take to build it?
  43. J

    Career in Programming vs. Networking

    Ok, so apart from my desire to become a Physicist or Engineer I've also considered going into a more computer related career in either networking or programming. Yea, let's face it I haven't really been able to decide. One way or the other I'd like to be prepared or at least know what I'm...
  44. A

    Are There Free Development Tools Available for Testing Intel Assembly Programs?

    I am in the early stages of learning Intel assembly coding, is there a free development tool available that I can use to test out an assembly program. Any other recommend sites or materials that I might use? Thanks
  45. M

    Fortran New to programming and Fortran

    Hello all, I am new to programming and fortran, I have Intel Fortran 9.1 and using this via Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. To start with I have found a simple exmaple from the a Intel Fortran 90 book. I seem to be able to run a debug, but can't seem to create an executable? Its my first time...
  46. N

    How Do You Input Numbers in C Programming?

    Hello, I just started taking a computer science course involving the program language c. I was wondering if anyone know the command that enables the user to type in a numerical input into the program. For example: 1. The user runs the program "Math Wizard." 2. The program displays...
  47. B

    Atoms and Programming: Exploring the Unknown

    In my computer science class my prof rambled off into examples, one of which was atoms. He said that atoms were just a model for something that we really can't understand yet. Is this correct or is he under some kind of influence or a complete idiot (likely, he teaches programming 'backwards').
  48. D

    Programming Digits to Integers

    Object: Write a program that read digits and composes them into integers. For example, when you read 123( in characters) the program should print: "123(in integers) is 1 hundred and 2 tens and 3 ones". My first attempt is first read the number as a string then convert its characters to...
  49. A

    What Programming Language Can Handle 30-Digit Integers and Matrices for Free?

    I've been looking for a free download of a programming language that is easy to use and handles large numbers for a number theory problem I'm working on. I will report my results here after I use it. My TI isn't powerful enough and my other programmable calculator that I downloaded, graphcalc...
  50. S

    How Do You Implement a Multi-Species Population Model in C?

    Writing a function problem If m different species share the same habitat the model becomes a system of recurrent equations: Ni+1 [1] = Ni [1] + r [1] Ni [1] ( 1 - Ni [1] / K [1] ), Ni+1 [2] = Ni [2] + r [2] Ni [2] ( 1 - Ni [2] / K [2] ), ……………………………………………………, i = 0, 1, …, i , i + 1, … (2)...