What is Global warming: Definition and 222 Discussions

Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. Though there have been previous periods of climatic change, humans have since the mid-20th century had an unprecedented impact on Earth's climate system and have caused change on a global scale.The largest driver of warming is the emission of gases that create a greenhouse effect, of which more than 90% are carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane. Fossil fuel burning (coal, oil, and natural gas) for energy consumption is the main source of these emissions, with additional contributions from agriculture, deforestation, and manufacturing. The human cause of climate change is not disputed by any scientific body of national or international standing. Temperature rise is accelerated or tempered by climate feedbacks, such as loss of sunlight-reflecting snow and ice cover, increased water vapour (a greenhouse gas itself), and changes to land and ocean carbon sinks.
Temperature rise on land is about twice the global average increase, leading to desert expansion and more common heat waves and wildfires. Temperature rise is also amplified in the Arctic, where it has contributed to melting permafrost, glacial retreat and sea ice loss. Warmer temperatures are increasing rates of evaporation, causing more intense storms and weather extremes. Impacts on ecosystems include the relocation or extinction of many species as their environment changes, most immediately in coral reefs, mountains, and the Arctic. Climate change threatens people with food insecurity, water scarcity, flooding, infectious diseases, extreme heat, economic losses, and displacement. These impacts have led the World Health Organization to call climate change the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century. Even if efforts to minimise future warming are successful, some effects will continue for centuries, including rising sea levels, rising ocean temperatures, and ocean acidification.

Many of these impacts are already felt at the current level of warming, which is about 1.2 °C (2.2 °F). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a series of reports that project significant increases in these impacts as warming continues to 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) and beyond. Additional warming also increases the risk of triggering critical thresholds called tipping points. Responding to climate change involves mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation – limiting climate change – consists of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and removing them from the atmosphere; methods include the development and deployment of low-carbon energy sources such as wind and solar, a phase-out of coal, enhanced energy efficiency, reforestation, and forest preservation. Adaptation consists of adjusting to actual or expected climate, such as through improved coastline protection, better disaster management, assisted colonisation, and the development of more resistant crops. Adaptation alone cannot avert the risk of "severe, widespread and irreversible" impacts.Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, nations collectively agreed to keep warming "well under 2.0 °C (3.6 °F)" through mitigation efforts. However, with pledges made under the Agreement, global warming would still reach about 2.8 °C (5.0 °F) by the end of the century. Limiting warming to 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) would require halving emissions by 2030 and achieving near-zero emissions by 2050.

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  1. heusdens

    Solutions to the energy crisis / global warming problem

    We face an energy crisis, since gas and oil resources are diminishing this century. Oil and gas production follow a bell-curve, and around the middle of the depletion of a gas or oil field, the production of that field decreases yearly. Apart from coal (for producing electricity) and nuclear...
  2. Ivan Seeking

    News No logic for inaction - Global Warming

    Based on what I see and read, and in spite of the many attacks on Al Gore's laudable effort to help inform the public, there is a consensus that global climate change is real and caused in part by humans. The forecasts for future emissions cinch the debate. http://www.ipcc.ch/ From a...
  3. V

    Heat from inside the Earth causing global warming?

    Could heat from inside the Earth be causing global warming? If more heat was rising from the ocean floors would we notice - particularly if it was only happening in a few small areas?
  4. N

    What caused the sea to inundate Beijing within the past 80,000 years?

    After reading several papers and seeing gore's movie on GW I'm still searching for solid scientific causal evidence (versus correlations or circumstancial) that anthropogenic greenhouse gases are the cause of global warming in the post-industrial age. I accept we are in a warm epoch...
  5. Andre

    How Does Global Warming Influence Record-Breaking Temperatures in Philadelphia?

    Interesting paper: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/physics/pdf/0509/0509088.pdf On the Role of Global Warming on the Statistics of Record-Breaking Temperatures, S. Redner and Mark R. Petersen, But then again the world is bigger than Phili
  6. S

    Extremely Cold Winters and Global Warming

    Currently where I live, we are experiencing very cold winters (average temperature during the day is about 35 degrees Fahrenheit). Last summer was also a surprise where the average temperature was about 105 degrees Fahrenheit. I know that the latter event might be a cause of Global warming...
  7. Pythagorean

    Global Warming Funding: Flow-Chart & Research

    Quite a while ago, someone posted a flow-chart that showed how the "global warming lie" is repeatedly supported (one bubble being that scientists need funding for their research) I was wondering if anyone remember/knows of it and could dig it up and post it here for me. I'm not sure whether...
  8. R

    ICAL THEORY: Global Warming & Its Impact

    Global warming theory It is being observed that the earth’s atmosphere is warming up and it is speculated that carbon emissions are the cause. Since the atmosphere is getting warmer it will contain more moisture due to additional evaporation and warmer air holds more moisture than cold air...
  9. S

    Global Warming alarming species demise

    Is it just me, or those studies show results that are extremely blown out of proportion?
  10. Chi Meson

    How does land use contribute to the effects of global warming?

    This is the follow-up question. Assuming that there is a warming trend, please give your opinion as to the human contribution to this trend. Once again, I would hope that the opinion is informed and not fanciful or political. Sorry if none of these match your true opinion, but please choose...
  11. Andrew Mason

    Global Warming and the Precautionary Principle

    Let's suppose that, as many of the posters here believe, there is a good possibility that global warming is not priimarily caused or even signficantly contributed to by human CO2 emissions. Let's suppose that there is a very good possibility also that CO2 concentrations are not signficantly...
  12. Andre

    News Global Warming and the Data Quality Act

    The reason why this thread is here instead of the Earth science files, will be clear in the last sentence In the spring of this year I received a discussion-group E-mail with an early draft of this paper: http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/0606291103v1.pdf Emphasis mine. As a reaction...
  13. K

    Can this be a Global Warming Solution?

    Can this be a "Global Warming" Solution? This has been referred to before, at least once in the article "Would You Buy an American Car?" Still, it would be interesting if we could get some opinions. It's along the lines of the T-Zero, but they make their own components. Here are a few sites...
  14. Mk

    Official global warming PF Earth forum poll

    Ok guys, this is the poll. Is there only a very small minority of educated people that are AGW skeptics? Global warming skeptics? I think most of us here are aquainted with the subject's aire de academia, but, please vote only if you know more than what was served to you on a silver platter...
  15. S

    How can anyone question man's significant role in global warming?

    Edit by Evo:Due to claims of plagiarism, certain posts have been deleted from this thread.
  16. daniel_i_l

    Global warming = rising water level?

    If you have ice cubes in a glass of water and they melt the level of the water goes down. Why are glaciers in the ocean different?
  17. Ivan Seeking

    Is the Public Perception of Global Warming Reaching a Tipping Point?

    Is "Global Warming" hot? What is your sense of public awareness of and the attitudes towards this subject? It seems to me that in the US we have finally reached critical mass. Since to a large extent TV merely feeds people what they want to watch and what they already believe, and since TV...
  18. D

    Ocean Tides, Earth's Rotation, Moon's Orbital Radius, & Global Warming

    If ocean levels go up enough, will they have an impact on the Earth's rotational speed and the Moon's orbital radius? If so what will the effect be? It seems that all these things are tide to one another.
  19. Whitestar

    Why it's too late to stop global warming

    I read an article on global warming stating that it is way too late to stop global warming, too late by far. Here is the link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/02/13/INGP4B7GC91.DTL Despite the fact that I consider myself to be an eternal optimist, I personally think...
  20. wolram

    Tunguska Meteor: Global Warming Connection?

    yes this meteor is responsible for global warming. http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/tunguska.shtml
  21. Mk

    Tunguska event attributed to global warming

    http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0510042 He says a rise in temperature, which began between 1906 and 1909, is not caused by rising CO2, but is attributable to the Tunguska Event, which rocked a remote part of Siberia, northwest of Lake Baikal on the 30th June 1908. The Tunguska Event, is...
  22. Ivan Seeking

    News The pros and cons of global warming; i.e. GCC

    It's going to be interesting to see how this all affects trade, politics, agriculture, navigation... and even travel. Talk about irony! http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-2034643,00.html
  23. Q

    Is Space Junk aiding Global Warming?

    Have a look at the recent model (link below) of how much space junk is orbiting Earth and please comment on if this amount of debris could contribute to what is known as global warming. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/01/0119_060119_space_junk.html
  24. Ivan Seeking

    News If you love Jesus, you'll fight global warming

    "If you love Jesus, you'll fight global warming" Talk about a paradigm shift! http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=1594855
  25. Andre

    Is Mars' High CO2 Atmosphere a Good Model for Earth's Greenhouse Effect?

    Although the titel suggests that the thread is about another planet, the real subject is the forcing character of CO2 greenhouse gas and so it's about global warming and hence it should belong in the Earth forum. If you write a Assessment Report for the IPCC about greenhouse effect on Earth...
  26. Andre

    What is the Real Cause of Global Warming?

    Finally, we now know the cause of global warming http://www.nunatsiaq.com/news/nunavut/51223_10.html Here is Simeonie Aqpik describing the shift in the weather, and why the Inuit knew the climate would change. Most of what tells is exactly what the AGW scaremongers love to hear, but wait...
  27. B

    What role do orbits play in Earth's climate change?

    There is a warming cooling pulse in Earth’s life exemplified by tracks left from ancient glaciers to deserts once flush with flora and fauna. When did all this occur and why? Here’s what I think: Moon orbits Earth, Earth orbits Sun, Sun orbits Milky Way, Milky Way orbits ? Each event takes...
  28. Andre

    Is the Sun Responsible for Global Warming?

    This paper has been stalled for almost a year and concequentely misses the latest climate reconstructions (Moberg etc) but finally somebody got the most brilliant and original idea:rolleyes: that the heating source itself may perhaps not be ruled out completely as a factor determining...
  29. Andre

    Global warming, ice age's and clathrate

    When researching the climate during the ice ages (Pleistocene) large isotope jumps were discovered in the ice cores , and obviously they were tied to the supposed large temperature changes. This was quite logical since those spikes seem to be co-dated with ice age transitions to moderate...
  30. B

    Debunking the Myths of Global Warming

    so I am thinkin of wrting and essay on global warming... ive kind of decided if I am going to write it on global warming i want to argue that it does not pose a real threat. Its so cliche to write essays on effects of glbal warming and how its going to ruin our Earth and all that media hype. If...
  31. A

    Is the debate over global warming true or false?

    Hey there.. My pops read a book by Michael Crichton or someone like that that basically says global warming is not occurring. Every science magazine I read continually talks about global warming and shows how physicsists, climatologists, etc, are all working on ways to help remove CO2 from...
  32. Ivan Seeking

    Key Argument for Global Warming Critics Evaporates

    "Key Argument for Global Warming Critics Evaporates" http://www.livescience.com/environment/050811_global_warming.html
  33. Ivan Seeking

    Oregon summers reflect global warming

    "Oregon summers reflect global warming" http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2005-08/uoo-uoo080805.php
  34. Andre

    Relationship between CO2 and Global Warming

    The vote of the majority may say more about the convincing power of the ideas than provide an good understanding of the reality. But what do we think?
  35. Andre

    Global warming and glaciers melting

    Global warming and "glaciers melting" In another thread I promised to go over all the alarming climate features like glaciers melting, sea levels rising etc, I think that was actually off topic over there so I start a fresh one. About the glaciers and ice sheets; yes, most glaciers are...
  36. P

    News Wow Bush says humans contribute to global warming

    Wow! Bush says humans contribute to global warming! http://news.ft.com/cms/s/cb0c3b94-ee84-11d9-98e5-00000e2511c8.html Has hell frozen over?
  37. P

    Regarding sticky: Reviews on Global Warming

    Monique: Thank you for posting links to the two reviews on climate change, in the sticky thread. I am heartened to see that in fact, the PF are not comprised of global warming skeptics, as was my first impression. Both reviews lie with consensus opinion. It's been my experience that all "anti"...
  38. Andre

    Global Warming and tell tale leafs

    According to http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/figspm-2.htm the carbon dioxide level has been rather constant thougout the last millennium before it started to skyrocket in the late 19th century. This information is based on the contents of ice cores of Polar ice sheets and glaciers...
  39. Ivan Seeking

    Hurricane Season could Renew Global Warming Debate

  40. Monique

    Is There Scientific Consensus on Human-Induced Global Warming?

    There is controversy about how certain the scientific community is of its conclusions about global warming: whether humans are influencing the climate and whether global temperatures will continue to rise rapidly in this century. There are two reviews that can be used as a reference for...
  41. Ivan Seeking

    When is Global Warming Significant?

    This number came up regarding the Permian mass extinction http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2002/da yearthdied.shtml I never realized that the threshold was so low. http://www.solcomhouse.com/metnoaa.htm This also ignores any potential tipping points which could come much sooner.
  42. T

    Global warming raise sea levels?

    I know this may sound extremely silly... but, all ice at the north pole is floating... creating mass that would make the ocean higher than it would be... would that ice not be there, when ice melts it takes up less volume than when it is frozen? How would the north and south poles melting raise...
  43. D

    Is global warming antropogenic?

    I doubt it, can anybody back up their opinions with credible sources and/or reason's why they think global warming is, or isn't human caused? I am interested in your opinions, that's why I am posting this topic. Edit: 78 members and 558 guests and 213 spiders (whatever the hell those are)...
  44. J

    Is methane gas contributing more to global warming than CO2?

    Hi, Hers's my simple idea about global warming. The suns energy is absorbed by the earth. The Earth re-emits this energy as heat. Human technology emits greenhouse gasses and produces more heat. Green house gasses are increasing in the atmosphere. The more CO2 and other...
  45. T

    A new strategy to combat global warming in N. Europe.

    At the latitudes of the UK and Northern Europe we would expect a climate similar to that of Alaska or central Canada. Thanks entirely to the gulf stream, which bathes our shores with water carrying the heat equivalent of one million power stations, we currently have a much warmer climate. The...
  46. Andre

    How did the belief in Anthropogenic Global Warming become so deeply rooted?

    "Unexplaining" global warming Realclimate is an initiative of concerned climatologists who may seem to fear that the global warming message is waning. I tested the objectivity of the place by applying the next comment: Obviously, the comment was not honored. Anyway, to anybody...
  47. wolram

    David Bellamy refutes global warming

    Article in the Daily Express by David Bellamy OBE Feb 3 2005. I first heard about global warming in the eighties and right from the start i didn't believe in it. I teach botany. i have researched and taught plant anatomy, ecological physiology and the history of vegetation at universities...
  48. S

    Nature's past experiment on global warming?

    Suppose I am a defense attorney--I am NOT--arguing for an underdeveloped old-growth tropical rain forest and a coral reef from tumultuous destruction by development. If I could only save ONE, it would be the coral reef. (My instructor said something along the lines of: "The destruction of our...
  49. M

    Is global warming causing a drop in temperature or rising temperatures?

    I read somewhere that one of the dangerous consequences of global warming is another ice age, kinda like what we saw in the movie "The day after tomorrow" . My friend was arguing with somebody about whether global warming will cause a drop in temperature or instead rising temperatures. When I...
  50. Loren Booda

    Global warming: what lies beneath the ice?

    The global warming bane for flooded civilization, geology and ecosystems at low altitudes can be a bonus for glaciologists "while they last" in higher latitudes. Would you like to predict what treasures the thawing climate will reveal in the world's remaining glaciers?