Recent content by Ylle

  1. Y

    Science Magazines - Find the Best One for You

    Hello... I didn't know which forum was the correct, so I hope it's ok to post it here. Basically I'm looking for a magazine I can subscribe to. Recently I've had one, but it really wasn't interesting after the first few I got. Besides that it was a "normal person" magazine, which means...
  2. Y

    Determine the mean of the position <x> in a state

    Thank you very much. I thought it was what I did to start with, but I just messed it up. But I got it now :) Thank you.
  3. Y

    Determine the mean of the position <x> in a state

    Hmmm... I think I may have it now. But what if the ladder operators are used on state |3> fx. ? At least the a+ operator. Then it would raise it to state 4, but that state isn't represented here, so will that just equal 0, or... ?
  4. Y

    Determine the mean of the position <x> in a state

    a_+ \lvert n\rangle = \sqrt{n+1} \lvert n+1\rangle and a_- \lvert n\rangle = \sqrt{n} \lvert n-1\rangle I think I did something like that, but as I said. I may have messed it up. But I was right with the thought I had ? I just need to redo the math perhaps ?
  5. Y

    Determine the mean of the position <x> in a state

    Homework Statement Hello everyone... I'm kinda stuck with a problem I'm trying to do. The problem states: Express the operator \hat{x} by the ladder operators a_{+} and a_{-}, and determine the mean of the position \left\langle x \right\rangle in the state \left| \psi \right\rangle.Homework...
  6. Y

    Quantum Non-Demolition & Ramsey Zones

    A little question I'm not quite sure of. When you try to do a Quantum Non-Demolition measurement, you have an atom which first goes into a Ramsey zone, and then into a cavity which shoots some photons at it. After that it comes out into another Ramsey zone again. And for the atom in a Ramsey...
  7. Y

    Solving Commutator Trouble with Interaction/Dirac Picture

    I think so... There is given a hint that I should look how to commutate the spin matrices, where fx. [Sx, Sy] = ihSz (i = complex number, h = h-bar) - if I remember correctly.
  8. Y

    Solving Commutator Trouble with Interaction/Dirac Picture

    Homework Statement Hi... I'm having something about the Interaction/Dirac picture. The equation of motion, for an observable A that doesn't depend on time in the Schrödinger picture, is given by: \[i\hbar \frac{d{{A}_{I}}}{dt}=\left[ {{A}_{I}},{{H}_{0}} \right]\] where...
  9. Y

    Are Fock States Eigenstates for the Operators a^{\dagger} and a?

    Well, thank you :) Didn't know it was that easy.
  10. Y

    Are Fock States Eigenstates for the Operators a^{\dagger} and a?

    Ahhh... It said: IS the Fock states eigenstates for the operators, doh... So when I use the operators on the Fock state, they are not eigenstates because of the |n-1> and |n+1> at the end, which should have been just |n> in each case, or am I way off ?
  11. Y

    Are Fock States Eigenstates for the Operators a^{\dagger} and a?

    Homework Statement I have to show that the Fock states are eigenstates for the operators {{\hat{a}}^{\dagger }} and/or {\hat{a}} And I'm not totally sure how to show this. Homework Equations ? The Attempt at a Solution I know that if I use the operators on a random Fock...
  12. Y

    Calculate current in a cylinder with a hollow cavity

    Argh, ofc... That's much easier :) Thank you :)
  13. Y

    Calculate current in a cylinder with a hollow cavity

    So instead of the above it's: I=\int_{0}^{R}{J}\left( 2\pi R \right)dR-\int_{0}^{R/2}{J}\left( 2\pi R \right)dR It gives the correct answer, but I don't know if that is what you meant ?
  14. Y

    Calculate current in a cylinder with a hollow cavity

    Well, that is what I've written in the "Relevant equations" section.
  15. Y

    Calculate current in a cylinder with a hollow cavity

    Homework Statement I got this problem (Sectional image of a cylinder): Besides that I know that the cylindrical conductor is infinite long, and the same is the cavity. And through the conducting material there is a current density that is...