Recent content by ydan87

  1. Y

    A difficult (for me) 3d shapes problem

    Can you please explain what you mean? I can't give you the parametric representation if that's what you mean...
  2. Y

    A difficult (for me) 3d shapes problem

    Tiny tim :o 1) the length of the vector you get by the cross product of the vector from point p to point b and normal n equals to r, the radius of the cylinder. 2) the vector you get by the cross product above equals to the vector you get by multiplying scalar r with vector e, which is a unit...
  3. Y

    A difficult (for me) 3d shapes problem

    If I have a cylinder with a radius r and an axis that passes through point b with the direction of vector n, show that its equation can be written in any of the following forms: 1) ||(p-b) X n|| = r 2) (p - b) X n = r.e (where e s ia unit vector orthogonal to n) 3) ||(p-b) - ((p-b).n)n|| =...
  4. Y

    Equations for 3D Cylinders with Varying Parameters

    Right, I'm sorry for the mess... p and b are points, n is a vector and e is a unit vector as described. Also, the | | indicates size of vector... I'm confused with all the definitions so that's the reason for the wrong titling, sorry again...
  5. Y

    Equations for 3D Cylinders with Varying Parameters

    If I have a cylinder with a radius r and an axis that passes through point b with the direction of vector n, show that its equation can be written in any of the following forms: 1) |(p-b) X n| = r 2) (p - b) X n = r.e (where e s ia unit vector orthogonal to n) 3) |(p-b) - ((p-b).n).n| = r...
  6. Y

    Finding Common perpendicular of two lines

    Cross product...but how would I find the two vectors?
  7. Y

    Common perpendicular of two lines

    Direction vectors of lines 1 and 2: V1 = (2, 2, 1), V2 = (1, 1, 2) V1 X V2 = (3, -3, 0) Is it correct?
  8. Y

    Common perpendicular of two lines

    Easier than I thought! Thanks :)
  9. Y

    Finding Common perpendicular of two lines

    Hi there, The two given lines: 1) x / 2 = (y-1) / 2 = z 2) x + 1 = y – 2 = (z + 4) / 2 I need to find the common perpendicular between them. Though when I tried to calculate the distance between them, I get 0. Can someone please help? Thanks in advance
  10. Y

    Common perpendicular of two lines

    Hi there, The two given lines: 1) x / 2 = (y-1) / 2 = z 2) x + 1 = y – 2 = (z + 4) / 2 I need to find the common perpendicular between them. Though when I tried to calculate the distance between them, I get 0. Can someone please help? Thanks in advance
  11. Y

    Explicit form to parametric form

    Hi there, I have the plane in an explicit form: 12x + 2y – 20z = -56 How do I make it in parametric form? Thanks in advance
  12. Y

    Hoffman coding in 8bit sequence

    A data file contains a sequence of 8-bit characters such that all 256 characters are about as common: the maximum character frequency is less than twice the minimum character frequency. Prove that Huffman coding in this case is not more efficient than using an ordinary 8-bit fixed-length code...
  13. Y

    How to Solve This Dynamic Programming Problem with Two Subsequences?

    I'm having problem to solve this problem in DP: Given 2 subsequences: X = {x1, x2,..., xm} and Y = {y1, y2, ... , yn} so `n <= m` and also `y1 <= y2 <= ... <= yn`. The goal is to find a sub-sequence of `X` (xi1, xi2, ... , xin) such that: sum(k is 1 to n) | xik - yk | is...
  14. Y

    Simpel question in C (tcshell) about strings and pointers

    If I need to write a c program which get a string from the stdin and prints it after a certain manipulation, the program is called that way: echo "Hello, World. bla bla bla" | program <arg> How can I save the string in my program before working on it? Thanks in advance