Recent content by wg1337

  1. W

    Isobaric process experiment with plastic tube and hot water Sorry, should have drawn it earlier. That small water volume changes upwards when temperature drops. Guess we can assume that there is air at the closed end and the air pressure pushes out water. I guess the way it works is like this: Since the...
  2. W

    Isobaric process experiment with plastic tube and hot water

    I put a long plastic tube in hot water container. The water flows a little bit inside the tube, but not much. But when the water cools down, there is more volume of water inside the small plastic tube. I was thinking that I did something wrong, but everyone gets the same results. I know that...
  3. W

    Isobaric process experiment with plastic tube and hot water

    Hi! I have this experiment, that keeps getting me frustrated. The experiment is simple: We have hot water and a long plastic tube with one end closed. We simply measure how much water is in the tube and from that we get the water volume (water is in cylinder shape). But there is something I...
  4. W

    Calculating Best Air Volume for Speaker Enclosure

    Here's a quick sketch on how I would like to make the now box: Could you please tell me if this box could be a good one? Speakers are 8cm, but actually are about 7cm, thinking of making vents about 3x7cm. Maybe could suggest better dimensions...
  5. W

    Calculating Best Air Volume for Speaker Enclosure

    I have read that vented box would give a 3dB gain, so probably will make this time a vented enclosure. It is really hard to find any information about these speakers, they want me to buy service manuals. Btw, when I removed these speakers they had a capacitor on the + terminal. When I simply...
  6. W

    Calculating Best Air Volume for Speaker Enclosure

    Hi! I have made a small enclosure for my portable audio system. At first it was for a different speaker, but now I simply replaced all electronics and it still sounds good. But I want better. When I was making the box I didn't think about the air volume, just made a big box. So what's inside...
  7. W

    Few questions about nuclear physics

    1) So what can I do to measure? I thought that alpha and beta particles shoot out at high speed and the mass simply fly away, but I do see problems with it. Then I thought burning it, but there is a big chance that the new material also will burn. So out of ideas. 2) He won't mind, he needs...
  8. W

    Few questions about nuclear physics

    I have this test and there are few questions that I can't answer or don't know if I'm right. 1) You need to measure the half-life of some random element. What instruments do you need? What values you need to measure? What results you will probably get? 2) You need to check the radioactivity...
  9. W

    Calculate Lens Focal Length - Convex & Concave Lenses

    Homework Statement I have an actually interesting practical homework. I need to calculate the optical strength (hope I translated it right, D=1/F), to do I need to find the lens focal length. I need to find my self a concave and a convex lens. I don't have a concave lens (I think), but I do...
  10. W

    What is 1 AU? Definition & Explanation

    Thought that elliptical orbit will cause problems with this, also found many websites that says it is from the center. Thanks!
  11. W

    What is 1 AU? Definition & Explanation

    Hi! I have a homework at school and one question in it is to show how AU is defined. So of course I took google and saw - 1 AU is the distance from Earth to Sun (or the radius of Earth orbit). But distance from where? From the center of planet or from the surface? I have seen some...