Recent content by WakaShocka

  1. W

    Is there any smart material that gets lighter/heavier?

    I'm looking to have some sort of material that I can make lighter/heavier on demand to create a weight imbalance in my device (it isn't very large-no more than a few centimeters).
  2. W

    Is there any smart material that gets lighter/heavier?

    Hi PF, This could possibly be through a change in size or density...Maybe even programmable matter. I've tried some googling but haven't found anything on actually changing the weight through putting a current through something. It would be extremely useful for my personal hobby. Even through a...
  3. W

    Need Some Help Calculating Energy Transfer During Impact

    Hi PhysicsForums, first post! So I was wondering how much energy would be absorbed by a shock absorbing material before it hit a vulnerable object. I've made a rudimentary sketch in paint to illustrate the situation. I've calculated the Kinetic energy of the incoming object (let's call it X)...