Recent content by vysero

  1. V

    Magnetic field at a point due to a line of charge

    I am not sure if this is what you meant but here goes: $$\lim_{x \rightarrow +\infty} {\frac {x} {\sqrt{a^2 +x^2}}}$$ $$\lim_{x \rightarrow +\infty} {\frac {(\frac{1}{x})x} {\sqrt{\frac{1}{x^2}}\sqrt{a^2 +x^2}}}$$ $$\lim_{x \rightarrow +\infty} {\frac {1} {\sqrt{(\frac{1}{x^2})(a^2...
  2. V

    Magnetic field at a point due to a line of charge

    I believe B would be undefined here: $$B =\frac{μI}{4πa} (\frac {∞} {\sqrt{a^2 +∞^2}}\frac {∞} {\sqrt{a^2 +∞^2}}),$$
  3. V

    Magnetic field at a point due to a line of charge

    Homework Statement A wire carrying a current I in the positive x direction is located along the x axis. The wire is of finite length and is located between x = -L and x = L. Find the magnetic field at a field point located a distance a away from the wire. Homework Equations Biot-Savart law...
  4. V

    2's complement of binary numbers and registers

    Well I would like how to know how to represent any number in such a way. Say my number is 010. If I take the two's complement of the number then I get 110 which is -6. How can I represent 110 in an eight bit register or a 16 bit register and so on.
  5. V

    2's complement of binary numbers and registers

    Well I was a bit confused because it is a negative number. So I was not sure if it should be 00000111 or 10000111.
  6. V

    2's complement of binary numbers and registers

    Homework Statement I want to know how to insert a 2's complement number into a larger register and keep the same value. I would like to know of some pitfalls that I might run into using a generalized method, if any. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution If I have say 1 in a 3 bit...
  7. V

    Question on: Smith charts, power and transmission lines

    I would simply like to know: Given a lossless transmission line with a certain characteristic impedance Z terminated in a load L. How can I go about computing the fraction of the time average incident power arriving that is dissipated in the load? Is this possible without knowing the voltage or...
  8. V

    Difference between charge and charge density

    So I am studying Gauss's law and I am a bit confused about something. If I am asked to compute the volume or surface charge density of a solid perfectly conducing sphere with a charge Q and radius r, what is being asked of me? Am I just being asked to compute the volume of a sphere and multiply...
  9. V

    How to calculate the erfc of a number

    So the HW is actually about calculating the junction depth of phosphorus diffusion into a p-type wafer however that is not the problem I am having. The problem I am having is that the book tells me to calculate the erfc(#). However, my calculator does not seem to have an erfc function. In the...
  10. V

    Bode phase plots and initial angles of transfer functions

    Hello everyone. So I have a test coming up and I am struggling with the concept of figure out what the initial phase or angle of a transfer function is. For instance, consider the following transfer function: L(s) = 4/s(.4s+1)(s+2) So the initial angle for L(s) is -90 degrees. Is there a...
  11. V

    MHB Trouble understand IVT, FVT, unit step input.

    I am confused, let me see if I can't clear up what I did. H(s) = \frac{s-10}{{s}^{2}+20s} \lim_{{s}\to{\infty}}(H(s)) = 0 \lim_{{s}\to{0}}(H(s)) = \frac{-10}{0} (undefined) <- Can I use l'hopital rule on this? Lets say I can use l'hopital rule then: \lim_{{s}\to{0}}(H(s)) = .05 This is the...
  12. V

    MHB Trouble understand IVT, FVT, unit step input.

    Here is my transfer function, G(s) = 1/(s+1). I know this will be a half parabola looking output with a unit step input whose initial value will be 0 and final value will be 1. I got the initial value by takeing the limit of the function at inf and the final value by taking the limit of the...
  13. V

    What are the differences between DFA's and FSM's?

    Hey there guys! So I recently decided to take a CS course. One of my HW questions asks me to form a regular expression given a DFA. Now I have actually never ran into DFA's before but I do have some experience with finite state machines. My question is this: Is the regular expression formed from...
  14. V

    Magnetic Field Strength in a Solenoid at t = 1 ms

    Right moments after posting this I found an equation for the B of a solenoid. I then found i for the inductor based on the given time and was able to find the stregth of B from that.