Recent content by vvthuy

  1. V

    The error caused by the lagrange inversion

    Hi, I have problem with the calculation the error caused by the lagrange inversion. Hence, accroding to Lagrange theorem if f(w)=z it is possible to find w=g(z) where g(z) is given by a series. I wonder, if I consider up to N-th term in the Lagrange series, what will be the error caused by...
  2. V

    How to add two bessel functions

    I meant, I tried to get the following form by expansion the left hand side of equation and then combine terms to get the right hand side (b-1)^n-(b+1)^n =(f)^n where f depends on b. for example (x-1)^2-(x+1)^2 =-[4sqrt(x)]^2
  3. V

    How to add two bessel functions

    Thank JJacquelin's comments and the equation. Do you know any other series which allow us to simplify (b-1)^n-(b+1)^n to the form of ()^n?
  4. V

    How to add two bessel functions

    I found an way to modify the above bessel function using Multiplication theorem but I was stuck again at the following step (b-1)^n-(b+1)^n Do you know whether I can simplify this using series?
  5. V

    How to add two bessel functions

    Thanks for your reply. An approximate solution is also expected.
  6. V

    How to add two bessel functions

    Hi, I need to solve one problem like this: (a+b)*J_{1}[x(a+b)]-(a-b)*J_{1}[x(a-b)]=c J_{1} denotes the first order Bessel function. Do you think that it is possible to solve this function in an analytical way? Thanks, Viet.
  7. V

    Can Bessel Functions Solve Specific Exponential Trigonometric Integrals?

    Thank you very much. Do you have the reference for this equation since I do not find it in my mathematical books?
  8. V

    Can Bessel Functions Solve Specific Exponential Trigonometric Integrals?

    Hi, Do you have any idea to solve this integral? \int^{\phi_{1}}_{\phi_{2}} exp[j cos(x)] dx where \phi_{1} and \phi_{2} are an arbitrary angles. If \phi_{1}=\pi and \phi_{2}=0, the answer for this integral is a Bessel function. Thanks, Viet.