Recent content by Unspaced

  1. U

    Theory of the big bang and other universes

    I just want to get something straight... Because time is an energy, by default it has to create matter some how? I thought matter can't be created or destroyed, but maybe before all the basic laws of the universe came into play, time itself created all that we know?
  2. U

    Theory of the big bang and other universes

    I doubt humans will ever find out exactly how time began and how exactly everything else began. Not to sound pessimistic, but I doubt humans will survive long enough to figures these things out. Perhaps if we reach a point where we can blow asteroids out of the sky with no problem and jump from...
  3. U

    Theory of the big bang and other universes

    Yeah, I'm a freshman too, so I've had no real teaching in physics other than listening to Mr. Kaku on Coast to Coat AM about 3 times. But isn't there a way for atoms to clone themselves or something so that if given enough time, one atom could multiply long enough to create the first...
  4. U

    Theory of the big bang and other universes

    Thanks for your comment. You said "so why isn't more being put into our universe every moment?" and what I think that since our universe is expanding then maybe if there is indeed matter pooring into our universe from our "mother universe" and that matter is dark matter, I believe. Mr. Kaku...
  5. U

    Theory of the big bang and other universes

    I'm not sure if this has been theorized before by anyone but this is what I came up with as a theory as to how universes are formed and how "big bangs" occurr. I'm only in high school and haven't taken physics but I don't see how this can be ruled out all together. Basically this is about black...
  6. U

    Nick"Nick's Pursuit of Physics: Choosing a Trade & Preparing for the Future

    Hello all, My name is Nick and I'm a 14 year old freshman in high school. Since I first heard Michio Kaku on Coast To Coast AM a few years back I've dreamed of being a physicist. Naturally I've been into science and the sciences as my father is an enviromental science teacher at my local...