Recent content by tyler_T

  1. T

    Schools Don't know what level of graduate school to apply too, help please

    It took me eight years to finish my BS. I have 17 W's and 6 F's on my transcripts. I completed all relevant coursework in two years and got into a couple top 5 programs.
  2. T

    Statement of Purpose Without Research Experience?

    You will certainly want to talk about WHY you would be a good researcher. If you can't answer that question, you might have a pretty difficult time writing a SoP unless you are pursuing a professional/non-thesis degree.
  3. T

    Programs Which applied math phd program to apply to?

    bpatrick, that is quite helpful. I actually only learned calculus last summer, so I guess >50% is not terrible given my background. I will have one very strong letter and 2-3 strong letters. My current research is going well and I hope to have A+'s across the board this semester, so...
  4. T

    Programs Which applied math phd program to apply to?

    I know it would definitely hurt a lot in top pure math programs, but since I'm applying to separate applied math or computational science programs that don't require the test, I wonder how much it hurts and if I should even report it... Anybody have an idea?
  5. T

    Programs Which applied math phd program to apply to?

    Received math subject GRE score: 670/56th% How much does this terrible score hurt my chances? Should I even submit it?
  6. T

    Other Should I Become a Mathematician?

    How strong was the program at that schools? (Top 20, top 50, etc)
  7. T

    Other Should I Become a Mathematician?

    Is it even worth reporting a score around 50th percentile to schools that recommend, but don't require, the subject GRE, like applied math programs?
  8. T

    Brownian Motion 1 (birth-death)

    That's what I figured, but it just doesn't seem to workout for me. X(t) ~ binomial(0, number of steps * 1/2 * 1/2) So if we take L steps per unit of time, var(X(t)) = L*t/4 We want var(cX(t)) = t So if we take c = 2/sqrt(L), then var(cX(t)) = t. But this is not the correct answer...
  9. T

    Gamblers Ruin - Markov Chain problem

    Insignificant at any finite point in time yes, but 1 as n --> inf.
  10. T

    Brownian Motion 2 (probability)

    Problem: Let M(t) = max X(s), 0<=s<=t Show that P{ M(t)>a | M(t)=X(t)} = exp[-a^2/(2t)] Attempt at solution: It seems this should equal P(|X(t)| > a), but evaluating the normal distribution from a to infinity cannot be expressed in closed form as seen in the solution (unless this is...
  11. T

    Brownian Motion 1 (birth-death)

    Problem: Let X(t), t>0 denote the birth and death process that is allowed to go negative and that has constant birth and death rates Ln = L, un = u (n is integer). Define u and c as functions of L in such a way that cX(t), t>u converges to Brownian motion as L approaches infinity. Attempt...
  12. T

    Programs Which applied math phd program to apply to?

    Best of luck to you as well. (I'll be taking the math subject GRE at the same time.)
  13. T

    Programs Which applied math phd program to apply to?

    Has anybody had an success applying to any of these programs? I'm sure I'm not the only one interested here...
  14. T

    Programs Which applied math phd program to apply to?

    If you don't mind me asking, what does your profile look like and what other schools are you considering? Thanks, I think if I can manage an 80th percentile on the subject GRE I will at least be considered for all the programs I apply to, including the top ones. I just don't want to be...
  15. T

    Programs Which applied math phd program to apply to?

    Ha, that was my first time seeing proofs and I hadn't taken a math class for about 6 years, so it was quite challenging! I really have no idea where to apply, though. Some places that seem interesting include Texas, Georgia Tech, UIUC, NYU, Stanford, Maryland, and Cornell, among other...