Recent content by Truthlover

  1. T

    Hello guys,I'm working on a machine now and it's called DFIG

    Hello guys, I'm working on a machine now and it's called DFIG (Doubly-fed Induction Generator). It is connected to a power converter on the rotor only. My question is: how are you able in supersynchronous state to have a induction on the rotor. I know that you have an excitation current...
  2. T

    Division with the rectangular form

    I feel really stupid but thanks a lot
  3. T

    Division with the rectangular form

    I'm not sure if I do the right thing but the conugate of (1-i) is (1+i). So if we do the multiplaction it give: (2+2i)*(1+i)= (2*1)+(2*i)+(2i*1)+(2i*i)= 2+2i+2i-2=4i This is not the answer. What I have done wrong?
  4. T

    Division with the rectangular form

    Hi everyone, I was questionning myself about a problem that I have surely learn in school but I want to know if it's possible to solve a division with imaginary numbers without using the polar transformation. Example: \frac{2+2i}{1-i} So with the polar tansformation we have...
  5. T

    Frequency Multiplier: Build Schematic for 78x Factor

    I don't need a high accuracy. \pm 2 Hz at the output is good enough for me.
  6. T

    Frequency Multiplier: Build Schematic for 78x Factor

    it's variable from 1Hz to 20 Hz to get at the output 78Hz to 1560 Hz
  7. T

    Frequency Multiplier: Build Schematic for 78x Factor

    Hi everyone, I just want to know if anyone here have a schematics to build a frequency multiplier. All I have see for the moment is multiplier with a factor of 2. I'm searching a factor 78 frequency multiplier. Also if it exist in a chip i would like to konw it to.Thanks
  8. T

    Can Black Holes Absorb Massless Light?

    Um...I think this was an easy one for you. Thanks. I will review Einstein Theory of relativity.
  9. T

    Can Black Holes Absorb Massless Light?

    First of all, I have to say that I'm not sure if my post is on the good forum. If there's any problem about that, just tell me where i should post it. So my question is, why light can de be absorb by black holes if light has no mass. I mean if black holes have enormus gravitational force it...
  10. T

    How can I solve a boolean algebra problem without using a Karnaugh table?

    hello, sorry for the long time but i have got some problems to take care of before so here is the solution i have foun with your hints. a'b'cd'+a'b'cd+a'bc'd+a'bcd+ab'cd+abc'd a(bdc'+cdb')+b(cda'+da'c')+c(da'b'+a'b'd') ad(bc'+b'c)+b(da'(c+c'))+c(a'b'(d+d')) ad(b\oplusc)+bda'+ca'b'...
  11. T

    How can I solve a boolean algebra problem without using a Karnaugh table?

    Thanks now I understand the problem i will post the solution as soon as I get it.
  12. T

    How can I solve a boolean algebra problem without using a Karnaugh table?

    The one in the first resolution came from a'b'cd'+abc'd. Is it ok?
  13. T

    How can I solve a boolean algebra problem without using a Karnaugh table?

    I don't know if it's ok to put this thread here. I have to say that's the first time i use boolean algebra and I'm not sure id i used the good theorem proprely. Sorry for the bad english. Thanks everyone. Homework Statement Solve this equation without using the Karnaugh table...
  14. T

    Lithium phosphate battery charging curve

    Is there someone here who have a good link for the charging curve of a lithium copper oxyphosphate battery. Thanks.