Recent content by thrush

  1. thrush

    Cosmological vs. Relativistic Doppler Shift

    Sorry I missed the response emails... The observed cosmological redshift is not viewed as a "gravitational redshift"; the latter concept applies to light emitted from an isolated gravitating body, which the universe is not. Sounds right, thank you. Are you asking for comparision of what is...
  2. thrush

    Cosmological vs. Relativistic Doppler Shift

    Does anybody know a good read/primer that compares the observed cosmological redshift values to predictions made by the relativistic (gravitational) redshift? Thank you!
  3. thrush

    Time Dilation: SR Basics & Confusion

    Thanks for the pointer Mentz114! No need to beat a dead horse here, close this thread/delete it. You have given me plenty to chew on!
  4. thrush

    Time Dilation: SR Basics & Confusion

    Hi everybody, I'm learning Special Relativity, and probably ok with four vectors, the metric equation, the Lorentz Transform, and the Doppler shift, etc., but enough about me. I'm still a little confused about time dilation. In several hypothetical examples of SR that I have seen, two...
  5. thrush

    Confusion about Lorentz Transform

    Hi! I am new here, thought to join as I am trying to learn Relativity, in this case Special Relativity. I have solved a bunch of problems already but ... The Lorentz Transform formulation I am dealing with is a 4x4 matrix. I understand the invariance of the spacetime interval and have...