Recent content by Stuck In a Loop

  1. Stuck In a Loop

    Collection of Science Jokes P2

    Question 7: Is Schrodinger's cat _____? (A) Alive (B) Dead
  2. Stuck In a Loop

    The Importance of Science: Understanding the World Around Us

    If you ever want to share ideas and run thru each others hypothesis just shoot me a message. I am just starting out too so will be fun.
  3. Stuck In a Loop

    I Black Holes: Draining Empty Spacetime?

    From what I understand there is no such thing as a dormant black hole? Since it is constantly emitting radiation? Or would that just count for the event horizon?
  4. Stuck In a Loop

    What is the best way to get help with quantum physics on this forum?

    Appreciate iti! I got a lot of questions so lots to read and catch up on!
  5. Stuck In a Loop

    What is the best way to get help with quantum physics on this forum?

    Hello there. In all honesty I am college dropout, but have had a bit of an obsession with quantum physics for the last year or so. I look forward to learning from everyone and maybe sharing what I understand of the basics and see what I need to learn.