Recent content by steph17

  1. S

    Calculating the Mass of a High-Speed Moving Proton Experimentally

    i do mean the relativistic mass, there is a formula for the correction of mass for proton or some other particle moving at velocity comparable to that of the light's, how is it verified experimentally? do they measure the force exerted by the proton in some way or change in its momentum and...
  2. S

    Guess Decay Modes: A, Z, Mass Diff MeV

    i was taught too the equation of mass difference of calculating the difference between the initial and final masses of the nuclides, but in the question that i was given only one element was mentioned, i got confused over there. for eg mass difference of hydrogen(A=1,Z=1)= 7.289 MeV, mass...
  3. S

    Does a diffraction grating with a shape form fourier image

    groove profile, like a cartoon character on the squares, that's all.
  4. S

    Calculating the Mass of a High-Speed Moving Proton Experimentally

    how is a mass of a proton moving at a high speed calculated experimentally?
  5. S

    Does a diffraction grating with a shape form fourier image

    any particular good book/reference where i can find how to mathematically? thanks for the help
  6. S

    Guess Decay Modes: A, Z, Mass Diff MeV

    how can we guess the possible decay modes for an element with three given quantities: A, Z and mass difference in MeV
  7. S

    Does a diffraction grating with a shape form fourier image

    i just wanted to get this cleared that a beam falling on a diffraction grating with a shape gives the Fourier images of the grating object which can be reobtained by placing a biconvex lens that would converge the rays and form a focussed Fourier image at its focal length and the image of the...