Recent content by SmileyMan

  1. S

    How Do You Solve a Lagrange Multiplier Problem with a Zero Gradient Condition?

    I'm in a bit of a hurry, so this isn't going to be very pretty. Homework Statement Maximize: V(l,d) = pi * (0.5*d)^2 * l Subject to: l + 3.5d = 84 -> C(l, d) = l + 3.5d - 84Homework Equations ∇V(l,d) = λ ∇C(l,d) The Attempt at a Solution ∇V(l,d) = 0.5*pi*d ∇C(l,d) = 0How do I find the...
  2. S

    Radiation and penetrability of materials

    Never mind this topic. I just realized that there are some pretty big theoretical holes in my attempts.
  3. S

    Radiation and penetrability of materials

    Right, I don't know how I could miss this sub-section when deciding where to place my thread. My apologies.
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    Radiation and penetrability of materials

    When calculating the kinetic energy of an alpha particle I use the mass-energy equivalence. First I find the difference in mass between mmother particle and (mdaughter particle + malpha particle), then by inserting this into Einstein's formula I can calculate how much energy is released in the...
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    Radiation and penetrability of materials

    Thank you very much. Those links are definitely useful. Righto, I would just like to be able calculate this. :biggrin: If anyone has more sites that explain the units and the math step-by-step, please, don't hesitate from sharing.
  6. S

    Radiation and penetrability of materials

    Do you need more information to answer my question, or did I place this in the wrong section?
  7. S

    Radiation and penetrability of materials

    Is it possible to calculate whether or not beta decay from a given beta-source can penetrate a material of a certain thickness? I'm thinking something along the lines of first calculating the average eV of the decay (What do you need to know about the source to do this?), and then looking...
  8. S

    Amount of isopropyl in a given cloud chamber

    EDIT: The title of thread is misleading. Instead it should say: "Aquarium cloud chamber - realistic?" Hello, I am currently constructing a cloud chamber which is going to be using a w% > 90 % solution of isopropyl alcohol as the condensation chemical. I am using a typical home aquarium with...
  9. S

    Physical properties & threshold frequency

    Okay. Thank you both for answering. You have given me something to think about.
  10. S

    Physical properties & threshold frequency

    Thank you for answering. Yes, that is what I mean. Do you know where I can find an article describing how those properties affect the work function? I am finishing a project on quantum mechanics, and this is the only part I need.
  11. S

    Physical properties & threshold frequency

    What effects do the physical properties (size of atom etc.) of an elemental metal have on the threshold frequency for that metal? I haven't been able to find a correlation between a physical property and the size of the threshold frequency myself; maybe I haven't looked hard enough, or maybe...