Recent content by SKWphysicist

  1. S

    Job Skills How to prepare more quants interview?

    Thanks for the input. From previous discussions it seems that most of the positions are in NYC and London. However since I am not citizen nor president resident of USA/UK, is it going to hurt my opportunity if I would only apply to positions based in Tokyo/Hong Kong/Singapore? On a side note...
  2. S

    Job Skills How to prepare more quants interview?

    Thanks a lot! Your input is always brilliant. And should I send my resume to more than one agent? If agents receive more or less the same requests from clients then it may not help a lot -- and in fact I may be referred to the same client by different agents in this case.
  3. S

    Job Skills How to prepare more quants interview?

    Hi All, I would like to seek advice from you guys, specially those how have experience in the finance field with a science background, on how to prepare interviews at iBank. First let me give some background about myself: I have a PhD degree in astrophysics from one of the Ivy League...
  4. S

    Publication list - do you put papers/journals in preparation in it?

    publication list -- do you put papers/journals in preparation in it? As titled, when you apply for jobs do you put papers/articles that are in preparation (so they are not even posted on the arXiv) in your CV or publication list?
  5. S

    Tired of research what is next?

    Not very sure why it is relevant. But I am doing Astronomy/Astrophysics/Cosmology and I would call myself a mix of theoretical + computational physics.
  6. S

    Tired of research what is next?

    Thanks for the advice. It is another thing what I am trying to do. I had few teaching experience in the past and I found myself quite enjoying that.
  7. S

    Tired of research what is next?

    Thanks for the replies. Actually I am seriously considering doing something else (pure teaching post or medical physics). The dilemma is once I switch it is very difficult to get back into the research track. So I am just wondering if others have a similar experience.
  8. S

    Tired of research what is next?

    Hi All, I am wondering for those still pursuing their careers in academic research, have you ever feel tired of your own research at some points in your career? I finished my PhD about 2 yrs ago and got a postdoc position since then. However during my postdoc years I found that doing my...