Recent content by sjmacewan

  1. S

    Expansion of Compton Hamiltonian

    Hi there, I'm working on getting a presentation together for a graduate course I'm taking and chose to give a brief introduction on spin polarizabilities. In the case of the nucleon, these 4 intrinsic quantities manifest themselves in a 3rd-order expansion of the Compton Scattering...
  2. S

    Finding Angular Frequency for Simple Harmonic Motion - Mass and Rod System

    excellant! what a helpful script! The answer does end up being the same, so I'm going to assume my theory-work was good. It's not EXACTLY how we;ve been doing those questions (been using energies and such) but I found this one much easier to follow. Thanks a lot! (still open for comments though)
  3. S

    Finding Angular Frequency for Simple Harmonic Motion - Mass and Rod System

    OK, the answer for this problem seems a bit high to me, so I'm going to ask if it all seems alright. You have a 1m rod of no mass, fixed so that it may rotate about it's center. At the top of the rod is a mass m1 (0.5kg), and the bottom is a mass m2 (1.0kg). Find the angular frequency assuming...
  4. S

    Max Value of a Multivariable Function on a Boundary

    wait, those should both be (1,0) and (-1,0) right? Not (0,1)...
  5. S

    Max Value of a Multivariable Function on a Boundary

    right :) thanks a lot for your help StatusX!
  6. S

    Max Value of a Multivariable Function on a Boundary

    i'm afraid that didn't help me too much. I'm not entirely sure i understand what you mean by "So what are the points in both these sets, and in the domain of interest?" I'm not sure how to get from the end of my first post to having the crit points determined edit: wait, i see now. It's the...
  7. S

    Max Value of a Multivariable Function on a Boundary

    OK, I have a question about this problem. I'm solving for the absolute maximum value for a function of two variables. I THINK i know what I'm doing, but feel free to rip into me and tell me that I'm clueless :frown: The function is f(x , y) = \frac{-2x}{x^2+y^2+1} on the boundary of...
  8. S

    How do I find the real part of a complex number with a square root inside?

    alright, thanks for the pointers there, i can't say I've run across many solutions with a root inside a root, seemed a bit odd to me...thanks again!
  9. S

    How do I find the real part of a complex number with a square root inside?

    OK...tell me if this looks's really ugly and there's step or two which I'm not confident about: 0=a^2-\frac{y^2}{4a^2}-x 0=\frac{4a^4 - 4xa^2 - y^2}{4a^2} 0=4a^4 - 4xa^2 - y^2 a^2 = \frac{4x \pm \sqrt{16x^2 - (4*4*-y^2)}}{2*4} a^2 = \frac{4x \pm \sqrt{16x^2 + 16y^2}}{8} a^2 =...
  10. S

    How do I find the real part of a complex number with a square root inside?

    ooh, after seeing iy i just labeled both as being imaginary, but i suppose that's not true...i'll keep working then!edit: i still seem to get stuck pretty quickly... making the substitution b=\frac{y}{2a} and plugging that into x=a^2-b^2 gets me to: x=a^2- \frac{y^2}{4a^2} And again, i feel...
  11. S

    How do I find the real part of a complex number with a square root inside?

    Hello there, I've been given the task of find the real part for the following expression \sqrt{x+iy} And I'm a bit stuck. I figure that I'll just say that that equation is equal to some other imaginary number a+bi where 'a' is the real part and 'b' is the imaginary part, and try to solve for...
  12. S

    Understanding Dot Product: Is v=w in Vectors?

    As far as I know, no; that doesn't mean z=0. So v-w wouldn't have to be zero, meaning they're not equal :) Thanks a lot! The commutativity hint was received poorly on my part, i never even considered taking u.w to the other side...
  13. S

    Understanding Dot Product: Is v=w in Vectors?

    hmmm, yes, i knew that; but I'm not entirely sure as to how that helps. It only seems to further my belief that v=w...which is possible i guess; maybe I'm overthinking it. the way i see it is that if u.v = u.w and u.v = v.u all that means is that v.u = u.w and that doesn't get me any...
  14. S

    Understanding Dot Product: Is v=w in Vectors?

    These vectors are giving me some real trouble...i'm fine with the in physics, but the math theory behind them is my weakness... Ok, so we have that u.v=u.w where those are dot products of vectors. The question asks whether or not it makes sense to equate that to meaning that v=w. Now, at...