Recent content by Shreyas Shree

  1. Shreyas Shree

    Intro Physics Solutions to Kleppner and Kolenkow

    I am studying Kleppner 2nd ed on my own, and I cannot know whether my answers are correct. I have searched on google, to no avail. Where can I find the solutions?
  2. Shreyas Shree

    Where to Find Topic-Specific Undergraduate Physics Practice Tests?

    Where can I get multiple physics test papers by topic for undergraduates?
  3. Shreyas Shree

    Physics experiments for undergraduates

    I am a 1st year undergraduate student. I am in need of some fascinating applied physics/ engineering physics projects that two 1st year undergraduates can complete in about 10 working hours, and as such not very difficult. We would like a project that we could build inexpensively, and calculate...
  4. Shreyas Shree

    Why does the method of images work?

    Method of image charges in electrostatics to calculate the distribution of the electric field of a charge in the vicinity of a conducting surface.
  5. Shreyas Shree

    Irodov's 3.101 Help Required

    aaaahhh! nice! Thank you very much
  6. Shreyas Shree

    Irodov's 3.101 Help Required

    Homework Statement Find the capacitance of an isolated ball-shaped conductor of charge q of radius Ri surrounded by an adjacent concentric layer of dielectric with permittivity E and outside radius R2. Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I haven't understood the very first...
  7. Shreyas Shree

    What Factors Affect the Maximum Potential of a Van de Graaff Generator?

    What determines the maximum potential to which the dome of a Van de Graaff generator can be raised? on one hand i have the equation V=1/4πε q/r then there V∝1/r whereas on the other hand the natural tendency for positive charge is to move higher to lower potential. Thus, provided we are somehow...
  8. Shreyas Shree

    Regarding to the speed of information.

    If the sun suddenly vanished, hypothetically ceased to exist. Would the Earth still continue on its circular path for 8 min 20 sec? and then leave its orbit tangentially?
  9. Shreyas Shree

    How does a particle detect the presence of another?

    How does it differentiate between +vely and -vely charged particles? And know the exact force to be applied on the particle; not more, not less: just exact? is there something i am really missing out?
  10. Shreyas Shree

    How does a particle detect the presence of another?

    How does a particle detect the presence of another? And also how does it know whether to attract or to repulse without even interacting with one another?
  11. Shreyas Shree

    Are all particles subject to gravity?

    Theoretically are all particles subject to gravity. Or is there any particle which need not be affected by gravity.
  12. Shreyas Shree

    Make an android app in eclipse using python

    How to make an android app using python on eclipse.
  13. Shreyas Shree

    What kind of programming projects can be done using Kivy?

    What kind of programming projects can be done using Kivy? More specifically, can Kivy be used for making desktop apps, video games?
  14. Shreyas Shree

    Benefits of Studying Physics in High School: Why It Matters for Your Future

    Oh! But i thought new members are supposed to introduce themselves in this section