Recent content by shevir1

  1. S

    Determine inner wall temp of a pipe....

    Hi pocketengineer, thanks for the suggestion. However the Dittus Boelter model applies for turbuent flow, where as mine is laminar. I am doing for two cases water in pipe and methane in pipe, so i will be able to easily apply Dittus etc equation to the later. For the case with water in pipe...
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    Determine inner wall temp of a pipe....

    i was going for the second. average temp of fluid flowing in the pipe
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    Determine inner wall temp of a pipe....

    ok, yes i was thinking of using an average temp. shall do. thanks
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    Determine inner wall temp of a pipe....

    I have looked up many correlations, an example being nusselts number. but even in that correlation it required me to know the viscosity at wall, yet i still don't have the wall temperature, needed to calculate that. any other estimations i could try?
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    Determine inner wall temp of a pipe....

    I have derived a few equations to determine temp distribution through pipe wall in subsea conditions. However I am finding it difficult to determine what the wall temperature will be. I need to know and use this temperature to further my analysis. As of now I know the following parameters...
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    I Solving Navier Stokes & energy equations with different coordinates

    yes this is what i assumed. of course it is better to work in just one coordinate system. thanks
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    Plotting pressure distribution of fluid flow in a pipe

    Hi all, I am analysing the flow of water in a subsea pipe, and have been getting stuck in trying to solve the energy equation to plot a temperature distribution across the pipe diameter I have derived the equation as such seen in my attachement. But my main question is how should/would I...
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    I Solving Navier Stokes & energy equations with different coordinates

    Hi all I am conducting a fluid analysis on water flowing through a subsea pipe. Having used navier stokes equation, i derived the equation for velocity in the r-direction (using cylindrical coordinates. But when initially solving the energy equation to determine temperature distribution I...
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    Fluid Flow Equations With Real Values

    ok, will do so this evening. I will incorporate compressible flow at later stages of the project. Will be in touch if i need any more assistance.
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    Fluid Flow Equations With Real Values

    Yes that's the equation. Was last year. Sorry just wanted guidance on my approach to this situation. My main outcome was to find out how this distribution in pressure will look like as a plot analytically, not only to find the pressure drop.
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    Fluid Flow Equations With Real Values

    yes I recall by Darcy equation, but can this be used on turbulent flows. I also noted other methods, such as blasius and moodys diagram but am a bit rusty on those. By using Blasius equation I equate a friction factor of : 0.0057 which method would be best to implement/provide greatest accuracy?
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    Fluid Flow Equations With Real Values

    I see, this approach sounds more familiar. I calculate a reynolds number of: 36686 this was found from velocity and diameter previously stated, and with density and dynamic visc for water at an elevated temp.
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    Fluid Flow Equations With Real Values

    Thank you for your response and recommendations, I initially chose the 2D flow to simplify the analysis and was pointed in the direction that 1D or 2D was most commonly used for fluid dlow analysis within pipelines.
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    Fluid Flow Equations With Real Values

    Just in the radial position