Recent content by Sergiy

  1. Sergiy

    Building a digital VHR AM Aircraft receiver

    Thanks. Will post updates here. Hopefully I'll manage to build it before my holiday is over because later I may struggle to find time between my work, learning for my flight theory exam and spending quality time with my gf :-). For now, I've been looking more at the circuit and have realized...
  2. Sergiy

    Building a digital VHR AM Aircraft receiver

    Another question that just crossed my mind: how can I find out which specific frequency is my receiver tuned to if there is no persistent transmission on the airband (pilots communications are typically short and rare unless listening next to a busy airport)? This is especially difficult...
  3. Sergiy

    Building a digital VHR AM Aircraft receiver

    Thanks for the tip. Indeed, I would prefer to build my own circuit, especially considering that I am planning to digitize it later. From the page it's not clear which level of assembly is required. Is it basic screwing and casing or would I actually have to solder things to the board? I've also...
  4. Sergiy

    Building a digital VHR AM Aircraft receiver

    I can't find it anymore, but I've seen another design where the signal was transmitted from antenna to the circuit using two coils and induction and the author said that this was done to prevent circuitry generate output signal on antenna. I am not sure why induction wouldn't work the other way...
  5. Sergiy

    Building a digital VHR AM Aircraft receiver

    Thanks for the tip, I'll read up on varicap diodes and whether they can be interfaced with Arduino. On Wikipedia the Superheterodyne receiver is shown in a diagram as consisting of the following blocks: RF Amplifier, Mixer, Local Oscillator, Filter, IF Amplifier, Demodulator and Audio...
  6. Sergiy

    Building a digital VHR AM Aircraft receiver

    This is a continuation of the archived thread from Judging by the list of needed coils, I suspect the author was looking to build VHR AM Aircraft Receiver as described here...
  7. Sergiy

    Building a VHR AM Receiver with Arduino: A DIY Guide for Aviation Enthusiasts

    Hi, I am a computer enthusiast and work in a software company, but have recently started getting interested in hardware as well. I also learn to fly as a sport pilot (ultralight trike) and have decided to build a VHR AM receiver to listen to air traffic communications. Furthermore, for learning...