Recent content by Runner 1

  1. R

    Additional boundary conditions for inclined flow?

    Homework Statement I am solving an inclined flow problem, and am stuck. The problem is to find the volumetric flow rate of inclined flow in a square channel. Once I have the velocity profile, I can just integrate over that to get the flow rate. 2. The attempt at a solution Letting the...
  2. R

    Divergence of tensor times vector

    Ah, that works well. Thanks!
  3. R

    Divergence of tensor times vector

    (My question is simpler than it looks at first glance.) Here is Reynolds Transport Theorem: $$\frac{D}{Dt}\int \limits_{V(t)} \mathbf{F}(\vec{x}, t)\ dV = \int \limits_{V(t)} \left[ \frac{\partial \mathbf{F}}{\partial t} + \vec{\nabla} \cdot (\mathbf{F} \vec{u}) \right] \ dV$$ where boldface...
  4. R

    Maximum precision of deterministic measurements

    Okay, I tend to have some weird thoughts, so bear with my odd question here. Suppose you have a collection of particles that obey Newtonian mechanics. For simplification, all particles are identical and can be assumed to be hard spheres that collide elastically. Each particle has a position...
  5. R

    What does the lost information in the wavefunction mean?

    The wavefunction is defined on the domain of complex numbers. To find the probability of discovering a particle in a certain region, the amplitude of the wavefunction is integrated over that region. The problem is that you have an infinite set of complex numbers mapping to a single amplitude...
  6. R

    What are the implications of electrons splitting into smaller quasi-particles?

    Ah, that's what I was looking for. Thanks! You all can delete this thread.
  7. R

    What are the implications of electrons splitting into smaller quasi-particles? Sorry if this is old news or already posted somewhere, but could someone tell me more about this? (I know QM but not QFT, so if you can use QM terms that might be helpful). Thanks
  8. R

    Is Gravity Affected by All Types of Energy?

    That isn't really where I was going with this. If someone asks why two electrons repel, we can describe that using a model we've developed. If someone asks why there is a tide, we can give a reason involving the gravitational pull of the moon. And if someone asks why everything affects the...
  9. R

    Is Gravity Affected by All Types of Energy?

    Huh, okay. Thanks. A little over my head but I kind of think I know what you mean. I also thought of a better way to posit my question: Everything affects the gravitational field, but only certain things affect the electromagnetic field, the Higgs field, etc. Why?
  10. R

    Is Gravity Affected by All Types of Energy?

    Why is gravity "special"? (You may think this belongs in the General Relativity section, but the question really relates more to particle physics). As I understand it, anything with any energy whatsoever creates a disturbance in the gravitational field. So this means that the potential...
  11. R

    Composite particles de Broglie wave length

    I too have wondered about this. My quantum mechanics professor used the example that a basketball has a very small wavelength, but if the individual particles that constitute the basketball have much larger wavelengths, well, then what's going on? (What does this mean experimentally?)
  12. R

    Superposition/Wave function inside blackhole

    Hmm... this question does make me wonder though. Is a black hole a perfect example of a particle in a box?
  13. R

    Electron and the uncertainty principle

    Actually, you CAN know both the position and momentum of a particle. But if you repeat the experiment many times again, and do it exactly the same way that you did it the first time, you will find that the standard deviations of your results adhere to the equation: \sigma_x \sigma_p \geq...
  14. R

    Uncertainty should be called as unpredictability

    The word "uncertainty" leads to a lot of confusion. Say an electron is moving along, minding it's own business, and we decide to measure position and momentum. The way I (and many many others) interpreted it for the longest time was: (measured position - true position)*(measured momentum -...
  15. R

    Uncertainty should be called as unpredictability

    I like "inconsistency principle" better, because identically prepared systems don't give consistent measurements :)