Recent content by rrw4rusty

  1. rrw4rusty

    How do I delete my account?

    I wish to cancel my membership and delete my account. Please do so or tell me how.
  2. rrw4rusty

    B What could explain the existence of The Great Attractor?

    Thx so much for responding! I believe the article is newer then the wikipedia article. My primary questions follow...I'll assume you don't know. Actually no one may know unless they look around at the all the dense clusters we've found so far and go to the trouble of working it out but I thought...
  3. rrw4rusty

    B What could explain the existence of The Great Attractor?

    Hello, I guess first I must ask, have we figured out exactly what The Great Attractor (TGA) is? seems to indicate we might. If not... Then I...
  4. rrw4rusty

    Welcome to the World of Science Fiction Writing: An Introduction to My Journey

    Hello! I just realized that I never posted in New Members. My apologies—I’ve used this forum for many years, I love it and it has helped me immensely in my sci-fi writings and understanding of those areas of science for which I have a passion--quantum physics and cosmology (and related). So...
  5. rrw4rusty

    I need a 3D map of the universe out to 400 ly....suggestions?

    Thanks for the replies! Work on book sidelined by home remodeling... [:-(] I'll check all this out in hopefully a few days...sorry. Forget map showing Great Attractor...I forgot we can't see in that direction (unless I'm behind the times). Thanks, Rusty PS: Whoops...sorry, I meant 400...
  6. rrw4rusty

    I need a 3D map of the universe out to 400 ly....suggestions?

    Hello, I'm a sci-fi author and need to plot a course with distances and galaxy (cluster and super cluster) stop overs between the Coma Wall, Earth and the Great Attractor. I've looked at a few online 3D universe maps and 2D maps but have not found anything ideal. Any suggestions? Thanks so...
  7. rrw4rusty

    All stars in Milky Way equal one square light year?

    Actually I've already used this analogy. Just like the quantum universe, the cosmos is mostly empty space. r
  8. rrw4rusty

    All stars in Milky Way equal one square light year?

    Thank you for your replies! I find what you say incredible but I'm sure you're right. Still, let me explain the context...or, where this issue is coming from. I'm a science fiction writer and in one of my stories an object traveling close to the speed of light (.999999) enters the rim of our...
  9. rrw4rusty

    All stars in Milky Way equal one square light year?

    Hello, Can anyone confirm or, refute and correct the following statements? The volume of our galaxy, is roughly 8 trillion cubic light years. The combined volume of all the stars in our galaxy only equals one cubic light year. Thanks for any help you can provide! Rusty
  10. rrw4rusty

    RFC: The believability of a sci-fi concept: Gravity is an element of e

    Hello, I’m a sci-fi writer and I wish to gage the believability of (or lack of) the following which I’m using in a story. Concerning the extensions to cosmology and quantum physics, one of the cornerstones of my book’s sci-fi universe stems from a strange and intriguing fact that I’ve...
  11. rrw4rusty

    12.5 billion years ago what did

    ...the universe look like? About the same as now? Rusty
  12. rrw4rusty

    Bringing iron asteroids down to Earth?

    My thread's been hijacked! Just kidding. I don't mind at all as I'm learning stuff I need to know possibly for future projects. r
  13. rrw4rusty

    Bringing iron asteroids down to Earth?

    The reason I'm out on the forums and researching everything is because I want my sci-fi stories to be plausible. Did you read all the posts? The hobby scientists (like myself) at my writer's meet-up group said house size iron asteroids would mostly burn up in the atmosphere and their...
  14. rrw4rusty

    Bringing iron asteroids down to Earth?

    If memory serves IBM accomplished this (barely) last June. r
  15. rrw4rusty

    Bringing iron asteroids down to Earth?

    As mentioned (I'm pretty sure) the plot requires shaped charges breaking up the asteroid in orbit and also pushing it downward. They need the ore on the surface for a rail gun to launch stuff into orbit. r