Recent content by roborahull

  1. R

    Classical Want help in finding a book for questions on geometric optics

    its a very short book with only 20 questions in optics chapter..... though each question is quite brain teasing but still a bit disappointed in the quantity of questions, thnx anyway
  2. R

    Classical Want help in finding a book for questions on geometric optics

    hmmmm... thnx bro i am now trying to find a paperback version of the book in my city, with no luck so far, i guess i will have to downoad the book, anyway thnx a lot
  3. R

    Classical Want help in finding a book for questions on geometric optics

    guys i want a book where i can find questions on geometric optics especially for questions based on locating position of mirror by ray diagram when only object and image are given? I have already found 2 questions in I.E. Irodov but i want more so please suggest other books..... thnx
  4. R

    A question on geometric optics

    a concave mirror of 5cm radius of curvature whose circular ring has a radius of 4cm is blackened except for a narrow strip round the edge. A beam of light parallel to the principal axis falls on the mirror. Find the distance between the centre of curvature of mirror and the point at which light...
  5. R

    Hello guys, roborahull here..................... :)

    glad to join you guys