Recent content by Rob060870

  1. R

    Medical Artificial human brain 10 years away

    All of this thought is giving my Brain a headache!
  2. R

    Medical Artificial human brain 10 years away

    I am not an expert in this matter I am only asking the question. Interesting point however, Is an artificial human brain not a virtual one? as it exists inside a computer? why wouldn’t a detailed, functional artificial human brain with a similar architecture, the 50-100 billion neurons and...
  3. R

    Alien life forms, do they exist?

    I agree that machine based life/intelligence would have been made in the first place by biologically based life forms and didn’t say otherwise or try to compare the difference between the two. I merely stated that intelligent machine based life could be found instead of biologically based life...
  4. R

    Alien life forms, do they exist?

    thats a good point there could be other life processes that are not based on carbon.however Who is to say that if other intellegent life is found why would it be based on biology at all?, it could well be machine based .
  5. R

    Medical Artificial human brain 10 years away

    Hello readers, I have been thinking and if you bear with me hopefully I don’t sound too mad!. I have read an interesting article and in it a leading scientist has claimed that A detailed, functional artificial human brain can be built within the next 10 years. Henry Markram, director of the...
  6. R

    Praise WE WON PF has been nominated for award

    I love physics forum, I feel that I can ask any burning question that I have on here and it is often answered or discussed with great enthusiasm, wit and informed thinking. well done!
  7. R

    Why is my post disappearing on Physics Forums?

    Hello Readers, Something strange is happening on here. after I have posted something it promptly dissapears!, I can only get the original text up on screen if I post another after the first!. is this problem happening to anyone else?. for example I have left a response in the thread...
  8. R

    Alien life forms, do they exist?

    If intelligent life does evolve in the universe then the question may be when, how long does an advanced Civilisation last for?. Say it lasted for one million years on average before being wiped out through natural disaster, consumes its resources, or war etc.then life could have evolved many...
  9. R

    Why don't humans regrow lost limbs?

    (there seems to be a problem as my last post seems to disappear unless I send another after it!) I believe that it is possible and with time will be done as the progress that Mankind is making is exponential and the fact that it already happens in other animals even though they are quite...
  10. R

    Why don't humans regrow lost limbs?

    I believe that it is possible and with time will be done as the progress that Mankind is making is exponential and the fact that it already happens in other animals even though they are quite different from us proves that amazing regeneration is possible.
  11. R

    Alien life forms, do they exist?

    I believe that life in the Universe is common( it would be interesting if simple life forms were found in our solar system then I would love to know if its DNA like code was similar to ours). however Intelligent life. . . now that's a different matter!. it does appear to be very rare indeed if...
  12. R

    What does a blind person see?

    I wonder if blind people during REM sleep experience something other than nothing if nerves in the optic nerve fire?( that's if they do fire however) :-)
  13. R

    Alien life forms, do they exist?

    There is growing evidence that an ocean of liquid water lies beneath the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa. But looking for life in that ocean requires getting under an icy crust perhaps several kilometers thick. I have heard that NASA plan to melt through the thick ice and then a...
  14. R

    Alien life forms, do they exist?

    Hello, I am interested to know how many readers think that we will find life in our solar system, if so when?. I am confident that we will find basic life forms in a human lifetime. also if anyone thinks that there is more that one intelligent civilisation in our galaxy other than our own...
  15. R

    How possible when atoms come together in certain way to produce conscious being

    complexity is the natural way of our universe and this complexity causes an emergent process ie- consciousness. jackmell was right when he says"The whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts"