Recent content by rioo

  1. R

    Is the Fermi Coupling Constant Calculation from Oxygen Beta Decay Accurate?

    i'm reading through halzen and martin's chapter 12 on the weak interaction which they calculate the fermi coupling constant form oxygen beta decay using \Gamma = 1/\tau = G^2E_0^5/30\pi^3 with E_0 = 1.81MeV and \tau log 2 = 71 sec. they get G\approx 10^{-5}/m^2_N. where m_N is the nucleon mass...
  2. R

    Convergence of Integral: How to Prove for 0<k<1?

    Homework Statement Show that \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} \frac{e^{kx}}{1+e^{x}}dx converges if 0<k<1 Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution Well if I can show that the integral is dominated by another that converges then I'm done, but I haven't been able to come up with one...
  3. R

    Calculating eigenvalues of G Parity

    nevermind. figured out that i was in fact using the wrong matrix
  4. R

    Calculating eigenvalues of G Parity

    Homework Statement I need to find the eigenvalues of the pion triplet under G parity Homework Equations G\mid\psi\rangle = CR_2\mid\psi\rangle The Attempt at a Solution OK so visually this problem is pretty simple, rotation about the 2 axis takes a pi+ to a pi- and then charge...
  5. R

    Prove roots lie inside the unit circle

    Homework Statement Let P(z)=1+2z+3z^^(n-1). By considering (1-z)P(z) show that all the zeros of P(z) are inside the unit disk Homework Equations None given.. The Attempt at a Solution Well (1-z)P(z) = 1+z+z^2+...+nz^n and to find roots I set it to 0: 1+z+z^2+...+nz^n = 0...