Recent content by Reingley

  1. R

    Engineering Masters in Physics enough for Aerospace Engineering?

    I have no idea what my prospects are regarding getting into an engineering program. My bachelors is in physics as well, although my first two years were as a mechanical engineering major. Guess I shouldn't have switched... I've been looking into some engineering jobs, and a bunch of them list a...
  2. R

    Engineering Masters in Physics enough for Aerospace Engineering?

    That certainly is an option. However, I do not know how competitive the areas I am looking into are and what qualifications are necessary to be a competitive applicant. My assumption is that a PhD in a related field is essentially required, but I am looking for input from people with experience...
  3. R

    Engineering Masters in Physics enough for Aerospace Engineering?

    I mainly want to do something that is more hand-on, either in design, construction, or testing. Are there Masters programs that I might give me the experience I would need and open some doors into the industry? Would that be a route worth exploring?
  4. R

    Engineering Masters in Physics enough for Aerospace Engineering?

    Thanks for the responses. I was a Mechanical Engineering student for a few years in undergrad, so I do have some experience in some of the basic courses. Un fortunately, my MS in Physics was more concentrated on the astrophysics side, so I don't have much experience with fluid dynamics (or FEA...
  5. R

    Engineering Masters in Physics enough for Aerospace Engineering?

    I currently have a MS in Physics and a MAT (masters in teaching - physics) and have worked the past two years as a high school physics teacher. However, I am feeling more inclined to move towards a career in engineering, particularly in the aerospace industry (rocket testing and design in...
  6. R

    B Issue with Binomial Expansion Formula

    Thanks! That makes sense. I figured it was confusion on my part with the notation, but I wanted to check that I hadn't overlooked something obvious.
  7. R

    B Issue with Binomial Expansion Formula

    Working through Leonard Susskind's book The Theoretical Minimum, I noticed an issue with his expansion for the Binomial Expansion (he was missing factorials in the denominators). This led me to some confusion about the final term that is generally written (bn). (a+b)n = an + nan-1b + n(n-1)/2...
  8. R

    Green function, Delta and Heaviside

    Homework Statement Show that the explicitly covariant expression: GR(x-y) = θ(x0-y0)δ((\vec{x}-\vec{y})2)/2\pi agrees with the retarded Green function: δ(x0-y0-|\vec{x}-\vec{y}|) / (4\pi|\vec{x}-\vec{y}|) Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I know that the...