Recent content by RedAether

  1. R

    Stellar formation and evolution

    The current model of stellar birth is fairly peaceful (you know besides all the accretion disks and fusion ignition going on). Is there any evidence (for or against) small stellar explosions early in their life cycles?
  2. R

    Stellar formation and evolution

    Thanks for the reply. I guess I would like to clarify my basic question. I do understand that SNs create nearly all of the heavy elements, and that before our sun was born many generations of young stars died violent deaths creating a bunch of heavy elements. However, what i am really...
  3. R

    Stellar formation and evolution

    I know the general accepted theory to the birth of our solar system. One or more nearby stars went supernova and the shock waves caused our gas cloud to collapse forming our solar system. However, i wanted an opinion from those with more knowledge on a hypothesis that seems to make some sense...