Recent content by RBTiger

  1. R

    Programs Doing a Bachelors Degree in Maths from India

    I don't intend on paying nearly that much for higher education. And yes, I'm aware of the choices that are available to me, and I've also been through the course structures. I was asking for an assessment based on reputation within academic circles, level of teaching etc. Things, which...
  2. R

    Programs Doing a Bachelors Degree in Maths from India

    Does Imperial accept the ISC? If so, I might apply there...I know for a fact that Professor Simon Donaldson teaches there...Warwick also seems good... Not sure about other British Unis though...Especially faculty wise. Anyway, no one's answered my question about Indian Universities as of...
  3. R

    Programs Doing a Bachelors Degree in Maths from India

    Yeah, but they're(Cambridge and Oxford) still looking for A levels/IB/APs... Even an ISC with a STEP won't cut it for them as they mention Further Mathematics as one of their requirements. As for individual subject wise rankings, we don't get those. It's usually bracketed under 'Science' or...
  4. R

    Programs Doing a Bachelors Degree in Maths from India

    I'm a final year student at a school in India. I'll be taking up Mathematics as my Undergraduate subject(I'm interested in Pure Mathematics, especially number theory and geometry mainly thanks to Hardy's "An Introduction to the theory of numbers" and Courant's "What is Mathematics?")...
  5. R

    Advice on Self Teaching Mathematics Please

    If you're trying to teach yourself calculus, try Spivak...Very reader friendly, it's perfect for beginners...the problems are nice. Supplement it with Courant and Hardy if you want more rigour. That's what I did.
  6. R

    Studying Which Geometry Textbook is Best for Challenging Problems?

    Although I am good at Plane Geometry, it is a subject that I have largely ignored for the past 1.5 to 2 years(thanks to my exam syllabus that stresses on analytic geometry and completely ignores conventional plane geometry). Within this time period, my geometry skills have stagnated. Although I...
  7. R

    Math Advice for a wannabe mathematician

    For the past 2 years, I've wanted to become a mathematician, but I've become overawed by the sheer number of prodigies that have made it large in the subject...Gauss, Riemann, Ramunajan etc. I'm no prodigy and I'm in my last year of school(my age is 16)...I've always had been proficient at...