Recent content by pushcart

  1. P

    B How do I express the force of me falling 33 feet onto concrete?

    Wow. I'm a bit of a weirdo'cause I was very disappointed I missed the whole ambulance ride and everything because I was out cold, lol. Paramedics, are truly my heroes
  2. P

    B How do I express the force of me falling 33 feet onto concrete?

    thank you my friend that was the exact calculator I was looking for
  3. P

    B How do I express the force of me falling 33 feet onto concrete?

    On the upside I physically proved that gravity is not a theory that is proven physics
  4. P

    B How do I express the force of me falling 33 feet onto concrete?

    That day I didn't respect physics about 20 feet away in the trunk of my car was all of my safety equipment harnesses ropes helmet. But I figured hey it's only 33 feet done it 1000 times. I broke all sorts of stuff, learned to not ever do that again
  5. P

    B How do I express the force of me falling 33 feet onto concrete?

    Ok, that makes sense. So the variable that I don't have, but can estimate is the time it took to change my momentum from falling speed to zero, "impulse"
  6. P

    B How do I express the force of me falling 33 feet onto concrete?

    Fortunately it was early in the day while hanging speakers so no crowd and yeah I was unconscious for two hours woke up in an MRI machine I smacked the ground pretty darn hard.
  7. P

    B How do I express the force of me falling 33 feet onto concrete?

    thank you fresh_42. I landded on my side, so my center of mass was 6in from ground on impact with concrete. but do I understand you correctly that the measurement I'm looking for is G force upon impact? As a way to measure layman term hit the ground
  8. P

    Hi everyone. My name is Steve I am live audio engineer

    It was 18 hours a day of hard work and had to do several things. First thing in the morning figure out where to hook my chains that a motor would climb to the ceiling of the venue that I was doing a concert in. Then operate the sound equipment for the show, tear it all down and put it back in...
  9. P

    Hi everyone. My name is Steve I am live audio engineer

    I have a basic high school education but and self taught in basic physic. I have worked for 33 years touring with bands in 17 countries as an audio engineer (soundman). I'm not great with mathematics but I enjoy learning about the theories of physics and plugging numbers into mathematical...
  10. P

    B How do I express the force of me falling 33 feet onto concrete?

    I weight 90.7kg. I fell 10.05m landing on soild concrete. how do I express the "power of my impact? in G-force? A relitive weight? I am self taught in very basic physics after a high school education.