Recent content by philipp2020

  1. P

    Gravity Field Measurment / Refresh Rate of Sensors

    Hi Reading another post about the inverse square law by trewsx7 on this forum, I had the idea that maybe the gravity field isn't constant at some parts. Imaging a 2-dimensional gravity field produced by a source. Considering ∏, there might be a repeating infinitesimal patterns on ∏ where...
  2. P

    String Theory Instantaneous Teleportation

    Thanks for your answer. Why again would this violate general relativity?
  3. P

    String Theory Instantaneous Teleportation

    Hi As far as I understand, that teleportation using quantum entanglement is only partially instantaneous, because a classical channel has to be used to send the two qbits from Point A to B. So the speed of light is the boundary as how fast teleportation can happen one day using this...
  4. P

    Kruskal Diagram Hyperbola Function

    yes thanks very much for the answer. I think I understand it now.
  5. P

    Kruskal Diagram Hyperbola Function

    Maybe my question was a bit unclear... I would like to know how the function of the blue hyperbola looks like, which can be seen on the wikipedia link below.
  6. P

    Kruskal Diagram Hyperbola Function

    hi If I understand it correctly, the hyperbolas in the kruskal diagram define locations with the same space time. Now my question is, how can I make a function out of the hyperbola solved for spacetime on one side and gravity/metric tensor on the other side? Thank you very much for an answer...
  7. P

    Bulging Black Hole caused by approaching object?

    Thank you very much for the answers.
  8. P

    Bulging Black Hole caused by approaching object?

    Thanks for the answers. But what I still don't understand is the way he draws it. By the way he draws it, the surface of the black hole seems to "reach out" locally to the object, even before the object makes contact with the Event Horizon. Does this mean the black hole's EH is expanding...
  9. P

    Bulging Black Hole caused by approaching object?

    Hi I just listened to Leonard Süsskind Lecture 7 on youtube about General Relativity in the following link. At 1:28:00 he mentioned, that if a object is very close to the surface of a black hole, then the matter at this point would bulge out until it get completely absorbed. I don't...
  10. P

    Gravitational Force Units Question

    aaa, thanks. so silly from me :)
  11. P

    Gravitational Force Units Question

    Thanks for the reply. Well usually -G (m1 + m2) / r2 = F = m * a This is not equal to just acceleration as in a = (dr dv)/(dt dr) = v dv/dr = -G (m1 + m2)
  12. P

    Gravitational Force Units Question

    I just have a question concerning a previous thread about gravitation. The formula is from post 19 at v= dr/dt a = dv/dt multiply by dv/dt by dr/dr: a = (dr dv)/(dt dr) = v dv/dr This gets you to the first step...
  13. P

    Non constant acceleration in gravitation field

    I am not 100% sure, but I think 10^-15 with ESA's Microscope Mission in 2015 will be the most precise measurement so far concerning gravitational forces. Somebody may correct me please. To control the composition of the large mass, wouldn't it then not be better to make the torsion balance...
  14. P

    Non constant acceleration in gravitation field

    That is what I tried to calculate. How much the time difference would be for including small masses in the calculation for m2. So if the difference is only 10^24, what is the meaning of experiments which only can measure time differences until 10^-4 or something. For example like dropping a...
  15. P

    Non constant acceleration in gravitation field

    Thanks very much for the answer! As I wanted to calculate what difference it makes to include both masses A and B or only the mass A I am a bit confused right now. :) Getting to step one in the other thread the following is used: v= dr/dt a = dv/dt multiply by dv/dt by dr/dr: a = (dr...