Recent content by ocfx

  1. O

    Resistive force at constant velocity freewheeling down a slope

    Well could you explain the concept, because I'm not exactly sure of it?
  2. O

    Resistive force at constant velocity freewheeling down a slope

    Right, so should I use trigonometry to prove it then that is sin 15 = 9417.6N/x ? EDIT: that doesn't give me the right answer a little hint would be appreciated =D
  3. O

    Resistive force at constant velocity freewheeling down a slope

    The acceleration with resistive forces is 0 since the speed is constant but if there were no resistive forces the acceleration would be 9.81, right?!
  4. O

    Resistive force at constant velocity freewheeling down a slope

    Could you or someone else clarify what forces would be involved despite friction and gravity. Also how will this help me deduce the resistant force acting on the car?
  5. O

    Resistive force at constant velocity freewheeling down a slope

    Homework Statement Ok so the problem is this: A car of a mass 960kg is free-wheeling down an incline (15 degrees to the horizontal) at a constant speed of 9.0 m s^-1 - Deduce that the average resistive force acting on the car is 2.4*10^3N Homework Equations F=ma I suppose, but it hasn't...