Recent content by NickSpain96

  1. N

    Protection from radiation by earths mag field

    I've heard that the Earth's magnetic field protects us from radiation but am curious as to how this works. I assume it would have something to do with charged particle motion in a mag field because radiation is ionizing but I can't seem to nut out the mechanics behind it. Thanks in advance.
  2. N

    Uniform Circular Motion extended response

    Thanks BruceW, Your right in saying it was the basics of circular motion as this is my first year of high school physics, however, I am curious about the more advanced side of circular motion (or any kind of mechanics in general, as I am aspiring to become an aeronautical or aerospace...
  3. N

    Uniform Circular Motion extended response

    This began as homework that our Physics teacher set us. However, for some reason he decided no to collect it. I am curious as to whether or not this display my understanding of the topic well as communication is main area my teacher believes I need improvement in. Homework Statement Write a...