Recent content by nicholls

  1. N

    Lost between industry and getting a masters

    Hi Paul, first off, what program are you in? I graduated from Engineering Science at UofT a bit over a year ago now and I am now doing my MASc at UofT. Unfortunately I am kind of the opposite of you in that during my undergrad I only did research. I even skipped PEY (coop year). For me the...
  2. N

    NASA JPL Graduate Fellowship Program

    Has anyone here had any experience with the NASA JPL Graduate Fellowship Program? I am interested in applying for it, and was wondering how competitive it may be, or what the chances of getting it were. Does it depend on which lab you want to join? I am also a Canadian citizen attending a...
  3. N

    Schools Too late to apply for grad schools?

    Yes, I am quite sure many schools are still receiving applications. Check this link and look halfway down the page: It's in Canada obviously, and it is not what I would call an international school, BUT, it still has...
  4. N

    What classes/fields did you do the worst in?

    I sometimes think that it is less the subject/field and more the professor that teaches it. You can understand the material quite well, but the test/exams can be extremely unfair or unrepresentative of what you've been taught or what important things you should have learned. Other times the...
  5. N

    Opinions on Engineering Physics vs. Pure Physics undergrad?

    I am in the Engineering Physics option at UofT and I can assure you that you can take courses as theoretical as you'd like. The first two years are general and you learn a lot, and it is at the same level or higher than other engineers/physicists. In your upper years you can basically...
  6. N

    I want to be an Electrical Scientist

    As others have said, electricity is pretty much fully understood. The more general field however is electromagnetics, and there is still a lot of interesting stuff being done, especially in applied physics/engineering. To add to Lavabug's post: RF Engineering is the general field of...
  7. N

    Programs Electromagnetism for an Electrical Engineer Major?

    As someone who has taken both physics and EE electromagnetics courses, I recommend you take the EE course. Especially considering you are leaning towards comp eng, the material you gain in the EE course will be MUCH more useful than that in a physics course. The physics course will be much...
  8. N

    Schools Negotiating Grad School Financial Assistance

    So I've received all of my grad school offers and it is time to make a decision. Of the four schools that I am seriously considering, two of them are offering much higher financial assistance which includes tuition and no TA duties (both schools in the states). The other two schools (Canadian)...
  9. N

    Is engineering physic worth it

    If you like both physics and electrical or materials engineering then engineering physics is perfect for you! And yes there are plenty of opportunities afterwards. Mostly in applied physics and electrical/materials engineering though.
  10. N

    Good programs for mathematical physics in canada

    ^^^ For UofT, look at this: And scroll down not very far to find the Mathematics and Physics Specialist (Science Program). It will show you all the courses you can take plus more. From what I understand this is a hard...
  11. N

    Should I send my GRE scores if they're not required?

    I pretty much scored the same as you on the GRE, Q:165, V:165, W:5. I will also be applying to some top 10 schools in physics, and I am fairly confident I will get in. I highly doubt anyone is going to care that you or I didn't get 170 on the Quantitative. It just comes down to a few dumb...
  12. N

    Accelerator Physics: EE vs Physics

    Well, I'm Canadian so I'm trying to stay within Canada. In Canada the only true places that do accelerator physics are UBC and UVictoria. I am applying to both those places, and hope to secure a position working at TRIUMF. In the states I am applying to Stanford, Cornell and Stony Brook...
  13. N

    Is plasma physics a dead field?

    ZapperZ is right. There is a lot of research being done in plasma wakefields, both in north america and abroad (Germany etc.). Very promising looking technology, but I think it still has a bit of a way to go. It is an interesting field though! The accelerating gradients look to be orders of...
  14. N

    Starting Bsc. Physics before Msc. Engineering Physics, advice or tips?

    UofT is a 4 year program, as are most undergrad programs in Canada, I'm surprised they said that Engphys was 5 years at UBC, seems strange. My program isn't just engphys, its called engineering science where you choose a major after 2nd year (I chose physics). Just search engineering science...
  15. N

    Starting Bsc. Physics before Msc. Engineering Physics, advice or tips?

    So I am in my 4th year of my BASc in engineering physics at UofT (Toronto). I am attempting to go to graduate school in accelerator physics at either UBC or UVic, but I am also applying to the EM group at Toronto (plus a couple places in the states). In terms of undergraduate there are a few...