Recent content by nbo10

  1. N

    Physics Working at Livermore or Berkeley Lab - Salary and Lifestyle?

    The Glassdoor numbers are reasonable. You have to take into account that the Bay Area is the mecca of tech and startups. This makes the cost of living ridiculous. While the Livermore or Berkeley salary might be higher than other national labs they still can't compete with the private market in...
  2. N

    Job Skills Weird situation with my job -- need advice

    Hi, I'm PhotonSSBM and am a math tutor. I am having problems with my time card, and haven't received pay check. Who do I need to talk with?
  3. N

    Physics Special Operations Officer transitioning out

    Ehh... The hiring freeze isn't going to last forever. Organizations that have mission critical needs will find a way to work the system.
  4. N

    Physics Special Operations Officer transitioning out

    Lots of organizations would like a person with your background, DOE/NNSA, DTRA, DARPA to name a few. Are you on good terms with your NPS advisor? They would be a good first point of contact. He/She should have sponsor funding which would be your foot in the door.
  5. N

    High temperature Superconductors: Cuprates

    Also consider he wrote an entire book on a theory that is wrong.
  6. N

    High temperature Superconductors: Cuprates

    Search through "Modern Review of Physics". You aren't going to find one paper that captures all the areas of the cuprates. The subject is just to broad.
  7. N

    Explosion force is dependent on the Amount and the said Material

    What is sounds like your asking is: Can you reach the same physical state through multiple lower amplitude shocks as would be reached through a single higher amplitude shock?
  8. N

    Compressing Water: Can It Be Done?

    You can compress water. The shock hugoniot is well known for water.
  9. N

    Nitrogen molecules in air question

    There a few threads around here about how airplanes fly. I would suggest you read a few of them and then repostulate your initial assumptions on what creates lift. Why do you assume that they atmosphere and the wing has to stay together?
  10. N

    Nitrogen molecules in air question

    How do you think airplanes fly?
  11. N

    Which should i take, solid state or stat mech?

    You can't go wrong by taking both. :)
  12. N

    Tresca and Von mises question

    What's your question? This probably should be in the homework section.
  13. N

    Physics Switching Career from Information Technology to Physics (National Labs) after 40

    That's not really a job posting. They have someone picked out for the job already. In fact they probably used the persons CV to make the job posting. Then they are sure the person will meet all the requirements.
  14. N

    Can my adviser stop me from graduating?

    I would seek out the ombudsman for your department/graduate school/University. They will have a much better handle on the policies of the University.