Recent content by MWR

  1. M

    MHB Correcting a 2 x 3 Factorial ANOVA Chart

    Unfortunately, I am unable to view your picture. Also, I am not able to upload a .docx file either.
  2. M

    MHB Correcting a 2 x 3 Factorial ANOVA Chart

    Have I completed this 2 x 3 factorial ANOVA chart correctly? A sample of ¬N = 36 is recruited to participate in a study about speech errors. The researchers believe that there is an interaction between whether the speaker is distracted (distracted or not distracted) and the difficulty of the...
  3. M

    MHB Can Training Reduce Workplace Offensiveness?

    Thank you, Jameson, for your help. I greatly appreciate it. Regarding the second part of the question, would we do another t-test to show the differences between pre-training and post-training?
  4. M

    MHB Can Training Reduce Workplace Offensiveness?

    So this would be my answer to number 1 (I did it by hand so the numbers are slightly different). Pre-training scores: 6, 5, 10, 17, 2, 12, 15, 6, 9 = 82/9 = 9.11 mean (6 – 9.11)^2 = 9.67 (5-9.11)^2 = 16.89 (10-9.11)^2 = 0.79 (17-9.11)^2 = 62.25 (2-9.11)^2 = 50.55 (12-9.11)^2 = 8.35 (15-9.11)^2...
  5. M

    MHB Can Training Reduce Workplace Offensiveness?

    Makes perfect sense, yes. So how do we tie this into answering number 1? Do we provide our answer relative to the p-value being greater than 0.05 indicating that, yes, this sample, or department, engages in more interpersonal behavior than the rest of the organization?
  6. M

    MHB Can Training Reduce Workplace Offensiveness?

    Also, I keep getting 4.91 as the SD with a variance of 24.11. - - - Updated - - - Now I get 0.16. Thus not making it significant. In that case, we reject the null hypothesis, correct?
  7. M

    MHB Can Training Reduce Workplace Offensiveness?

    So with that I get 1.54. And a two-sided probability of 0.2?
  8. M

    MHB Can Training Reduce Workplace Offensiveness?

    I believe it is asking if the pre-training sample average is different from the rest of the organization, which is 7. (9.11-7)/(1.74 x 2.65) = (2.11)/(4.61) = 0.46. I am a little confused as to how to use this information to determine the answer.
  9. M

    MHB Can Training Reduce Workplace Offensiveness?

    So the appropriate test is the t-test, or z-test. Here is what I have: x numbers represent pre-training. y numbers represent post-training. Sx = 82 Mx = 9.11 Sx^2 = 24.11 Sy = 66 My = 7.33 Sy^2 = 20.75 After calculating the square root of Sx^2 and Sy^2, I obtain t = 0.16, which is...
  10. M

    MHB Can Training Reduce Workplace Offensiveness?

    How do I go about analyzing this scenario? Consider the following: You’ve been hired by a company who is interested in finding a way to decrease incidents of offensive interpersonal behavior at work. The company has identified one department that seems to have a big problem with offensive...
  11. M

    MHB Double-Checking Derivative Problems: f(x)'s Explained

    Could someone double-check my answers to these derivative problems? -- f(x) = e^(x^3 + 2) = 3x^2 e^(x^3 + 2)-- f(x) = (e^-4x)/(x^3 + 7) = e^-4x [(-4x^3 - 3x^2 - 28)/(x^3 + 7)^2]-- f(x) = x^3 ln x = 3x^2 ln(x) + x^2-- f(x) = (ln^3 sqrt(x^2))/(x^3) = (ln)3-- f(x) = (^7 sqrt(x+8))/(5-6x)^8) =...
  12. M

    MHB What is the rate of change for this function?

    This makes perfect sense. Thanks so much for the clarification. :-)
  13. M

    MHB What is the rate of change for this function?

    For DT/DN, I get -1.7t + 45.4. So, does this mean I multiply that by zero, since that's the derivative of S(T)? Wouldn't I get zero again?
  14. M

    MHB What is the rate of change for this function?

    Thanks, Mark. Could you help me finish out my problem? I'm not exactly sure how. S(T) = (-0.03T^2+1.6T-13.65)^-1 N(T) = -0.85T^2 +45.4T - 547 So the derivative is zero for S(T) when T = 26.67. How do you then find DS/DN, S(T) with respect to N(T)? Do we use the chain rule? Exactly how...
  15. M

    MHB What is the rate of change for this function?

    Hi, I am working on a rate of change problem and appear stumped with my calculations. S(T) = (-0.03T^2 + 1.6T - 13.65)^-1 S'(T) = (-1)((-0.03T^2 + 1.6T - 13.65)^-2 (-0.03 (2T) + 1.6)) S'(T) = - (-0.06T + 1.6) / (-0.03T^2 + 1.6T - 13.65)^2 S'(T) = (0.06T-1.6) / (-0.03T^2+1.6T-13.65)^2 = 0...