Recent content by mokeejoe5

  1. mokeejoe5

    Relativity and conservation laws

    That's quite alright,it is an interesting consequence though!
  2. mokeejoe5

    Relativity and conservation laws

    I don't want one I'm asking is it theoretically impossible for one to exist, as Feynman said in the video above. edit: by one I mean a conservation law that does not apply locally.
  3. mokeejoe5

    Relativity and conservation laws

    Is it impossible for conservation laws to be global but not local ignoring the general relativity or is ignoring general relativity an unreasonable ask?
  4. mokeejoe5

    Relativity and conservation laws

    at 10:50. Sorry to repeat myself but all I'm asking is is it possible in principle for a conservation law to be non local (to have charge disappearing at one point and appearing at another point) in other words is that what Feynman said outdated.
  5. mokeejoe5

    Relativity and conservation laws

    Thanks for the reply. My current understanding is that all quantities that are conserved must be conserved locally. If for example you had charge appearing in one place and disappearing 'instantaneously' in another place then depending on your frame of reference you would be able to see the...
  6. mokeejoe5

    Relativity and conservation laws

    Does the relativity of simultaneity imply the impossibility of non local conservation laws?
  7. mokeejoe5

    Calculating Sun's Luminosity: Step-by-Step Guide

    I'm trying to work out the luminosity of the sun. 1630 Watts/m2 apparent magnitude reduces with distance squared so 1/(1.496*1011)2 = 4.468*10-23m2 has the same brightness 1630 Watts from earth Surface area of the sun divided by 4.468*10-23m2 = # of 1630 Watt sections *1630 = 2.21*1044...
  8. mokeejoe5

    Mass, Energy & Inertia: Impact of Trapping Energy in a Box

    So there's nothing special about mass then? its just concentrated energy in a small volume?
  9. mokeejoe5

    Mass, Energy & Inertia: Impact of Trapping Energy in a Box

    If you trap a lot of energy in a box does the system (box plus its contents) gain inertia and become more difficult to accelerate?
  10. mokeejoe5

    Understanding the Weak Interaction: What Causes It & What is Its Range?

    So we don't know what causes it only that it happens? Why assign a range to it then, surely that's meaningless? I ask because I watched a video on YouTube that claimed its caused by bosons inside neutrinos ,when they get within a certain range, interacting with quarks in hadrons, and I was...
  11. mokeejoe5

    What is the Best Way to Fuel Your Passion for Physics as a High School Student?

    Hi all I'm an AS (Year 12 in England) level student with a bordering on obsessive interest in physics :)
  12. mokeejoe5

    Understanding the Weak Interaction: What Causes It & What is Its Range?

    Recently it struck me that I'm not sure I understand the weak interaction at all. What causes it to happen? I know that its mediated by the W and Z bosons and has a short range as a result of the large mass these bosons posses, but what does that range refer to? Range from what?!