Recent content by maxsthekat

  1. M

    Building a High Power Low Pass Filter for a TIG Welder

    A friend of mine has a TIG welder, which uses a high frequency signal to make the start of the weld much smoother. He's noticed that the welder seems to be tripping his GFIs (works fine on non-GFI circuits). So, that got me thinking, is it possible to build a low pass filter for something like...
  2. M

    Motor for steering a laser beam

    Hi guys, I'm trying to make a rudimentary projector of sorts using a low power (class 1) laser diode. I'd like to shine the laser onto two mirrors: one would control the horizontal portion of the scan, and the other would control the vertical portion of the scan. My problem is this: what...
  3. M

    Laplace transform with time shift

    Homework Statement I need to find the Laplace transform of t*e-t*u(t-tau) 2. Homework Equations and attempt at solution I know the general form of the transform, but my problem is in the time shift of the step function. If both parts of the expression were (t-tau), then I could just...
  4. M

    Computer DIY embedded linux microcontroller

    Hi all! Does anyone know of any good sites for how to build a DIY embedded linux microcontroller? I know that I'll need a processor of some sort (was thinking maybe an ARM device), a ROM for the bootloader and kernal, RAM for the general processing, and a JTAG or programming interface of...
  5. M

    Need to drop part of dual major (how employable is EE)?

    Hi guys, I'm looking at potentially dropping my computer engineering degree from my dual degree plan (EE is my other degree). I would still maintain an emphasis in computer engineering for my degree, but do you think by doing this I will be harming my chances to be employable after...
  6. M

    Engineering Computer vs. Electrical engineering

    Hi all, I have a big decision to make, and I'm looking for advice from those in the fields. I'm trying to decide whether to be a computer or an electrical engineer. For the moment, I have been dual majoring in both, but due to family reasons, I will be transferring to a new university in the...
  7. M

    Prove two squares and a cube equal an integer

    Ah. You're entirely right! For some reason, I had written down the squares as 1, 2, 4, 9, 16... Better moral of the story: be sure to have full stomach when doing discrete math :)
  8. M

    Prove two squares and a cube equal an integer

    Ah. By brute force, it appears 15 won't work. Somehow, prior to eating dinner, I must've skipped over that one :P I had thought I checked up until 50. So, I guess the moral of the story for these kinds of problems is never let elegance get in the way of plain ol' plug and chug. Thanks for...
  9. M

    Prove two squares and a cube equal an integer

    Homework Statement Disprove or prove the statement that every positive integer is the sum of at most two squares and a cube of non-negative integers.2. The attempt at a solution I'll call the numbers that can be squares a and b. C will be the cube. The easiest way to disprove something is to...
  10. M

    Deriving DC and HF Gain of Filter: Need Help with Calculations?

    Damn you, algebra! I shall defeat you one day ;) Thanks! That trick worked. After I multiplied by those terms, I then multiplied top and bottom by 1/(jw). Taking the limit of this led to C1 / (C1 + C2). Oh, and you were completely right-- that was a typo earlier-- should've been 1/(1/jwC)...
  11. M

    Deriving DC and HF Gain of Filter: Need Help with Calculations?

    Can I see how you got this to work for the "new" A and B expressions? Without multiplying by R, the expression is \frac{1}{ \frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{jwC} } Meaning the whole thing would look like: \frac{\frac{1}{ \frac{1}{R_2} + \frac{1}{jwC_2} }}{\frac{1}{ \frac{1}{R_1} +...
  12. M

    Deriving DC and HF Gain of Filter: Need Help with Calculations?

    Well, I totally agree with you: intuitively, it seems that we should be able to ignore the resistors for w -> infinity. What bugs me is the notion of "shorting" the capacitors is really just an application of looking at the capacitor's impedance as w-> infinity. In other words, it's a result...
  13. M

    Deriving DC and HF Gain of Filter: Need Help with Calculations?

    Homework Statement I need to find the DC and high frequency (HF) gain of this filter: (The url is [PLAIN][PLAIN] in case that doesn't work) Homework Equations The book defines...
  14. M

    Parts, componets, and things that do stuff

    Parts, componets, and things that "do stuff" Hi guys! I'm actually an electrical engineering student, but I figured this might be more applicable here. I'm trying to find websites that are good for ordering parts such as bearings, shafts, gears, chains, cogs, and more. I'm planning on...
  15. M

    Help Max Get Started on a Discrete Math Proof for Sum of Consecutive Integers

    Thanks, rasmhop :) So, with the contradiction, in order to show that the contradiction is false, can I take any set of three integers to show it is false? For example, can I simply assert there would be a ring where 8, 9, and 10 are neighbors, and thus the contradiction is false? I'm still...