Recent content by matthew9

  1. M

    I Difficulty with distribution functions

    My undergrad probability theory course just got to random variables and distribution functions. Up until this point, the material was very straightforward and I could understand what was being done, but I feel that I am just not seeing the jump between probability with sets and probability with...
  2. M

    I Which derivatives should I review for my DiffEq course?

    Yeah they are applications. I really appreciate your help so thank you again.
  3. M

    I Which derivatives should I review for my DiffEq course?

    Yes I do and that is one of the areas that came to mind. Thank you! Would you recommend going over gradient vectors or change of coordinate systems?
  4. M

    I Which derivatives should I review for my DiffEq course?

    Background: It has been about a year and a half since I took Calc 3 so I am not as familiar with using derivatives as I would like to be. Basically my math dept. had a concentration in math-stats that didn't even require differential equations at all, so I wasn't expecting to take the course...
  5. M

    Linear Algebra Thoughts on Linear Algebra with Applications / 5e Bretscher

    I really appreciate the link to the Treil book! I will absolutely keep it in mind for when I start next semester. Thank you.
  6. M

    Linear Algebra Thoughts on Linear Algebra with Applications / 5e Bretscher

    I actually do have the Stoll book and I find it to be quite good, but I haven't had the time to dive into it as much as I would have liked by now. The main issue I will be facing is that we are going to have homework from the Bretscher text and if his examples aren't clear, it seems to reason...
  7. M

    Linear Algebra Thoughts on Linear Algebra with Applications / 5e Bretscher

    Hey y'all! I am taking my first linear algebra course next semester and we are using Bretscher's book. I have heard some pretty awful things about the way it is laid out, so I would like to hear your thoughts on the text. For some background information I have completed Calculus 1-3 (using...
  8. M

    Schools Thoughts on religious versus non religious universities?

    Any Catholic University should be fine. They will not try to indoctrinate your sister, but the religious stuff is there. Also with Catholic schools you don't have to worry about any fringe mentality since the way the Catholic church is structured prevents that. All in all it depends on the...
  9. M

    How should I select a Calculus class?

    I go to school in Louisiana and we also have the calculus sequence in three parts. Doing Calculus 1 by itself in the summer is a great idea, but if you are struggling with pre-calculus, it will be difficult. About using a calculator, most calculus classes won't have problems that really require...
  10. M

    I am thinking of switching from a Physics BS to a Math BS

    The thing about the Math Stats is that it requires less abstract math courses (Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis 2, etc). The three hardest classes that I am looking at are Discreet Dynamical Systems (Chaos theory), Advanced Calculus (very proof heavy and this is real analysis if I am not...
  11. M

    I am thinking of switching from a Physics BS to a Math BS

    I appreciate your advice. The degree plan that I am looking at only has one or two really proof heavy classes, so I am not too worried about it. I spoke to my Calculus 3 professor since he was a statistician and he thinks that if I am doing well in Calc 3, the rest of the degree should follow...
  12. M

    I am thinking of switching from a Physics BS to a Math BS

    Well the university I attend offers it as a concentration and it does seem very interesting. Also being able to use statistical analysis will help me immensely in any professional setting.
  13. M

    I am thinking of switching from a Physics BS to a Math BS

    Guys, I would really love some input on this. Are there any thoughts on a Math degree with a concentration in Mathematical Statistics?
  14. M

    I am thinking of switching from a Physics BS to a Math BS

    I had a ton of credit going into school. I am only in my 3rd year right now and the math degree would only add another 2 and a half years. I have scholarships for the first 4 years, so I am able to stretch it out a little bit.
  15. M

    I am thinking of switching from a Physics BS to a Math BS

    Hey guys! I am a new member who would love some feedback on a big decision I am making soon. I am a senior in college who is pursuing two degrees (one in History and one in Physics). I am in my second semester of my Physics degree and I am just not doing well (Fs on exams). I really enjoy the...