Recent content by marshallmeyer1

  1. M

    What Math Should a Prospective Physicist Master Before Graduating College?

    I would like to be a physicist and hopefully one day get involved in particle physics or theories of quantum gravity, but I am not a savant and couldn't solve different equations by the time I was four years old. I have only taken up to pre-calculus math classes. I was supposed to graduate at...
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    Metaphysical description of the cosmos, help with theory?

    Baryogenesis! Exactly what I needed to know. Thank you.
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    Metaphysical description of the cosmos, help with theory?

    So, I posted this on a philosophy forum... I was in a psychology class and I thought of something while reading "Why does the Earth exist?"... Bear with me here: We know that ... 0=1-1 or also shown as 0= 1 + (-1) In the latter, we know that 0=nothing. So, essentially, one and...
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    Schools Liberal Arts College then advanced degree in physics

    lasymphonie, I probably do have the option of HYP. Top of the class, top-notch test scores, national achievements, tri-athlete, family connections, all that yadda-yadda. But I did all of that stuff for the intrinsic value, not to go surround myself with kids whose lives are their accolades. If...
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    Schools Liberal Arts College then advanced degree in physics

    I do not know what I want to do. It may be neuroscience, it may be philosophy, it may be physics. I want to have an eclectic college experience, and study a little bit of everything. However I'm worried that all of the HYP, MIT, and CalTech kids will be miles ahead of me in grad school if I...
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    How do I detect Hydrogen (efficiently and cheaply?)

    Hi guys, a buddy of mine and I are high school students and we are attempting to create a lattice fusion reactor using deuterium heavy water. However, know that there are ways to detect oxygen, carbon, etc... but how would one detect hydrogen or helium? Thanks
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    Nuclear Reactors, Atom Smashers, and Particle Accelerators

    Absolutely, thanks Crazymechanic and Astronuc
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    Nuclear Reactors, Atom Smashers, and Particle Accelerators

    What would be the difficulty of building each? I have read of Michio Kaku building an atom smasher (albeit it ruined the power flow to his house,) I have found a 200,000 volt generator so I presume that a particle accelerator would be possible, and my friend is currently working on a nuclear...
  9. M

    Could the universe just be a piece of something bigger?

    Of course I'm using loose terminology. I am just inquiring as to whether or not it would be feasible to refute a theory such as this. I am not stating that I have any observational evidence to ascertain or even contemplate it. It's more of a philosophical question on my part, and I wanted to...
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    Could the universe just be a piece of something bigger?

    Could the "universe" just be a piece of something bigger? Okay, I say universe in quotations because it's supposed to refer to everything. But what if our current perception of the universe was just a small piece that, along with many other "universes" orbited some megaplanet? Does this...
  11. M

    How many strings make up protons, neutrons, and electrons?

    So I understand that: Protons= 2 up quarks and a down quark... and Neutrons= an up quark and 2 down quarks... and Electrons are not made of quarks (so small!) So my questions are: 1.) According the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, we don't know how many strings (according to string...
  12. M

    My dilemma with protons/antiprotons and neutrons/antineutrons

    Lets establish our givens (please correct me if any of my givens are incorrect, for I am a physics noob.) 1.) A proton is made up of two up quarks and one down quark. 2.) An antiproton is made up of one up quark and two down quarks. 3.) A neutron is made up of one up quark and two down...