Metaphysical description of the cosmos, help with theory?

In summary: This is not how photons work. Photons always have momentum, even when they are not interacting with anything else.
  • #1
So, I posted this on a philosophy forum...

I was in a psychology class and I thought of something while reading "Why does the Earth exist?"...

Bear with me here:

We know that ... 0=1-1 or also shown as 0= 1 + (-1)

In the latter, we know that 0=nothing. So, essentially, one and negative one cancel each other out. Physicists have proven antimatter and that anti-universes are likely to exist. Think of the equation as "Nothingness= (1 our universe 1) (+colliding with+) (-1 our anti-universe -1) rather than 0= 1 + (-1). So, there is an anti-me right now, typing this same question on an anti-computer. If I were to collide with the anti-me, we would be disappear in a flash of light and all that would be left is energy. So, if the whole universe collided with the anti-universe, there would be nothing left over, and all of the positive energy would cancel out the negative energy and the final charge would be 0. Therefore, for something to be able to truly exist, it must not have a counterpart made of anti-matter. Because everything is made of anti-matter, nothing truly exists, because the universe which it inhabits is only one number in an equation, where there is another universe which is the opposite of this universe, cancelling out everything in our universe. Therefore, the cosmos is one big math problem, that hasn't been solved yet. What is the answer? It is 0; nothing exists and the 0 will not be unearthed until the collision of the matter universe and the anti-matter universe.

This was my theory (let me know if you find any other loopholes please!.) I showed this to all of my intellectual friends, trying to get them to refute it. However, they couldn't. I then showed it to my Dad, who immediately said "What about dark energy? Dark energy is neither matter nor anti-matter. If both universes collided, you would still have dark energy, which is something (therefore not equal to 0.)" So, there has been a refutation. I was wondering if any hyperintellectuals on here had any ad hoc descriptions that could make my theory viable again. Thank you!


Then, somebody commented, saying:

Matter and anti matter almost negated themselves at the beginning of the universe, there was believed to be a slight difference in the ratio, a fraction of a percent more matter than anti matter, and all the mass and matter we see today, is the left over of that earlier battle.

So it wouldn't necessarily be 0 =1+(-1) Perhaps more like 1.00001+(-1)

I'd imagine that if multiverse theory is true, a similar thing would have happened, perhaps with varying degrees of difference, or perhaps matter wins every time? Its difficult to predict anything when talking about the multiverse, as its impossible to reach one from the other.

Perhaps taking your question to a science / astrophysics forum, you'll get a detailed answer.


So, I leave you brilliant people with these questions:

1.) Was this person right about there being more matter than antimatter?
2.) Other than the matter>antimatter and the dark energy points, are there any other loopholes?
3.) Is there possibly an ad hoc variable or constant that could make this theory work?
4.) Am I at least on the right track?

another stupid teenager.
Space news on
  • #2
Not a bad question. What your asking is covered by the topic baryogenesis.

yes there is more matter than anti matter the article describes when that occured. Also goes into underlying math.
To break it down simply. According to particle physics theories. Anti-matter and matter were in balance. Then something happened to cause a minute shift in that balance.
further details can easily be googled as baryogenesis. You will find numerous articles.
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  • #3
Baryogenesis! Exactly what I needed to know.

Thank you.
  • #4
marshallmeyer1 said:
Physicists have proven antimatter and that anti-universes are likely to exist.

Do you have a source for this? :wink:

marshallmeyer1 said:
If I were to collide with the anti-me, we would be disappear in a flash of light and all that would be left is energy. So, if the whole universe collided with the anti-universe, there would be nothing left over, and all of the positive energy would cancel out the negative energy and the final charge would be 0. (my boldings)

Not quite. Let's assume all matter annihilates with all antimatter, producing only photons. According to particle physics, there will be energy AND momentum left - the energy and momentum of all photons. The energy-momentum relation for a photon is E=p*c (E = Energy, p = momentum, c = speed of light; photons have no rest mass)

Annihilation, Usefulness of the Quantity pc and Momentum of Photon.
  • #5
There are really a large number of problems with your description. Let us go through a few of them:

marshallmeyer1 said:
If I were to collide with the anti-me, we would be disappear in a flash of light and all that would be left is energy. So, if the whole universe collided with the anti-universe, there would be nothing left over, and all of the positive energy would cancel out the negative energy and the final charge would be 0.

Energy and charge are very different things. Also there is no evidence that such thing as negative energy exists; certainly antimatter does not possesses negative energy. Antimatter has perfectly ordinary energy. Supposing all the matter in the universe somehow annihilated with an equal amount of anti-matter: what you would be left with would be a universe full of photons (as DennisN says), which is definitely not "nothing".

...actually the stuff after that makes essentially no sense once you accept that the preceding premises are false. Sorry.

Related to Metaphysical description of the cosmos, help with theory?

1. What is the metaphysical description of the cosmos?

The metaphysical description of the cosmos refers to the philosophical study of the fundamental nature of the universe. It encompasses concepts such as existence, reality, time, space, causality, and the relationship between mind and matter.

2. How does metaphysics help with understanding the cosmos?

Metaphysics provides a framework for understanding the fundamental concepts and principles that govern the cosmos. It helps us to explore deeper questions about the nature of reality and our place in the universe.

3. What is the role of theory in metaphysics?

Theories in metaphysics are attempts to explain and understand the nature of the cosmos. These theories often involve abstract concepts and principles, and they are constantly evolving as new information and perspectives are discovered.

4. Can metaphysics be proven or disproven?

Metaphysics deals with abstract concepts and principles that cannot be empirically tested or proven. Therefore, it is not a subject that can be proven or disproven in the traditional scientific sense. However, theories in metaphysics can be evaluated based on their logical consistency and explanatory power.

5. How does metaphysics differ from other fields of science?

While metaphysics shares some similarities with other fields of science, such as physics and philosophy, it differs in its focus on abstract concepts and principles rather than empirical observations. Metaphysics also deals with questions that are beyond the scope of traditional scientific inquiry.

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