Recent content by marmstrong941

  1. marmstrong941

    Find Iron Core Plates for Transformer Prototypes - Top Sources Listed Here!

    Hi I am looking for places I can get iron core plates to make transformers. These are needed for prototypes I want to make. I have looked at microwave power supply’s. They would work but I would need to find a few with the same ones in them. I need just the cores and I will wire the copper up...
  2. marmstrong941

    B Is anyone looking for this: reaching speed of light

    We can't even get neer that speed yet so we don't know that yet. Would it hurt to look?
  3. marmstrong941

    B Is anyone looking for this: reaching speed of light

    well what would or could be the effect of something going pass or coming down from faster then light speed
  4. marmstrong941

    B Is anyone looking for this: reaching speed of light

    is anyone looking for what might be the effect of something going into or coming out of the speed of light?
  5. marmstrong941

    Super Caps 50F: Charge, Discharge & Heat Info

    I don't have r yet? 12 days would be great
  6. marmstrong941

    Super Caps 50F: Charge, Discharge & Heat Info

    I know they are low voltage that's fine. I want to find out charge and discharge time as well as heat from them.
  7. marmstrong941

    B Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

    Ok this drive will not push it like a rocket it pulls it. There is no exhaust it is big and will need a big power supply 2 to 3 time the mass you want to move 5 to 10 times if you want to lift off of earth. Thats in watts The drive will shake a lot so the mass is at the back and the output is...
  8. marmstrong941

    B Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

    Ok the main drive part has been made and as funny it may soundit will need a boiler.
  9. marmstrong941

    B Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

    H2 and O are the fuel and with no exhaust it just has to coll down to water and be split bac to H2 and O
  10. marmstrong941

    B Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

    Sorry better at making things in my mind and hands then putting them into words. My math is so so as well it does not make me wrong or a fool.
  11. marmstrong941

    B Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

    One other point it is not a rocket there is no exhaust as long as there is power you have fuel. so neer by stars are years away
  12. marmstrong941

    B Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

    fuel around sol H2 and O the stars well nuclear
  13. marmstrong941

    B Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

    Well if you can't get up to the speed of light you can never try and go faster then it?
  14. marmstrong941

    B Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

    Ok that's great. It's a idea I have for a electric drive. If it works 1 gee travel will be the road to the stars. Best part is most of the things have been made for other things.
  15. marmstrong941

    Venus Info: Is It Hot & How to Cool It Down?

    Ok so if a dust cloud was put around venus it would cool down. Than at 90 psi CO2 would act like water and cool it faster add a few nukes and the dust will remove the acid