Recent content by malcomson

  1. M

    Wording of a question confusion.

    Doing a problem and I'm not entirely sure what the wording is referring to. I won't get into details of the question unless people want to know (not really relevant) but I'm looking at the quantum ferromagnet and applying the Holstein-Primakoff transformation to find a new form of the...
  2. M

    How can you tell what force mediates an interaction?

    It would be nice if that were the case, but there were weak EM and hybrid interactions in the other parts of the question. There is the possibility that there's a mistake in the answers - they were handwritten by my lecturer, but I'd discounted that as me being arrogant. Thanks for the...
  3. M

    How can you tell what force mediates an interaction?

    Doing some examples I came across the question: Can the following processes occur and if not, why not? Draw Feynman diagrams for the allowed processes. one of which was K(-) (u(bar) , s) + p → K(+) (u , s(bar)) + Σ(-) (d,d,s) I thought that the strange quark could emit a...
  4. M

    Definition of fermionic annihilation operators

    Hi, I'm revising for an exam and I came across a past paper that has a question on annihilation operators, It asks what happens when acting on a wavefunction with a group of different creation/annhilation operators (all identical fermions.. It's quite simple apart from the fact that it...