Recent content by maccaman

  1. M

    Renal Response to Hydrated Exercise?

    I am doing a first year physiology course and during my studies i have found that the textbook displays very little about renal response to exercise. During a lab experiment, we measured osmolarity and urine amount of a period of 5 20 minute increments after approximately 600ml of water and...
  2. M

    How Do You Calculate Variance Between Combined Data Sets?

    I have a statistics test coming up and we were given two really hard problems to figure out. I don't quite know what they are asking, and we are kinda on our own to solve it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 1. Given that the equation for the sum of the squares is SS = x2 - (x)2/n...
  3. M

    Are Transformations of Data Changing the P-P Plots?

    I have recently just been given a computer lab task and that is to research transformations on the net and write a 1 page essay about them, which i am finding hard to find information on them, but anyway, here is my problem. We are required using our classes data to do transformations of our...
  4. M

    Chemical Tests for Identifying Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Chloride

    thankyou for both of your help, it was greatly appreciated.
  5. M

    Chemical Tests for Identifying Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Chloride

    I have just started at university and i have a couple of the questions that i could not fill out during my laboratory. Lab 1, Acids and Bases 1. Describe a simple chemical test to distinguish between a solid sodium carbonate and solid sodium chloride. My thoughts on this was to react them...
  6. M

    Levene's Test for Equality of Variance

    I have just started University and we have been doing t-tests however in our Computer labs we are supposed to do the Levenes Test. I have done the levenes test from our data of males and female heights in our class. i was just wondering what a value of F = 0.001 and Sig. 0.982 would mean. the...
  7. M

    Having trouble with Standard Error of the Mean

    Question 8 - From your results above, which would be the best estimate of the true mean height (170.18cm) of the population of Bioinformatics students? Explain! I am having a little trouble on this question and what exactly is it. It is asking me for which would be the best estimate of...
  8. M

    What Happens to the Charge When Two Insulated Spheres Touch?

    I have just started electricity in physics and am wondering how to do this homework questions. The question is: Sphere A and B are insulated metal spheres with charges of +10 micro C and -5 micro C respectively. If sphere A has twice the radius of sphere B, what will be the charge on each...
  9. M

    Need help Nuclear Fission Question

    cheers people, thanks for that
  10. M

    Need help Nuclear Fission Question

    This is probably an easy question for most of you, but me nor my teacher knew. Today we learned that nuclear fission can occur when a neutron "hits" the nucleus of Uranium-235. What i wanted to know is, where does this neutron come from, and how can they make it hit this uranium-235 atom. Any...
  11. M

    Electricity rearranging problem

    We have this complex reasoning question (at school) with this weird situation, anyway they say incorporating every part gives the formula V = mgR tan (\theta) / B^2 L^2 cos (\theta) Where V is the velocity m is the mass g is the acceleration (gravity) B is the magnetic field strength...
  12. M

    Finding Surface area using Newton's Law

    As part of a homework assignment, I am required to research Newton's Law of Cooling and evaluate it with three practical examples. One must be time of death. So far i have created a time of death example, and used an example to cool food. However the last one i heard someone say is that you...
  13. M

    Newton's Law of Cooling formula

    Im having a bit of trouble using Newton's Law of cooling. I have been given the formula T(t)=T_s + (T_0 - T_s) e^{-kt} . I am trying to find the time of death of a body, and I am given the time the body was found 12.00pm, its temp around 90, 2nd check, at around 1.00pm, temp is 80, and the...
  14. M

    Problem with finding the log function of a graph

    thanks for your responses everybody. A few people in my class like me complained about this problem aswell. The lowdown is, i am now given the graph (has those points i put in here before) and using transformations, eg. compressing, translating and stretching, manipulate log (x) by adding...
  15. M

    Problem with finding the log function of a graph

    sorry, its just I am in year 12 and we haven't learned it, that's why its a homework assignment, we go home and find out bout stuff we never learned before