Recent content by Luris

  1. L

    Stadium Wave as Longitudinal Wave in Terms of Transmission

    So, the common high school physics example of a transverse wave is a "stadium wave" ... but, I'm wondering if this is actually longitudinal in terms of particle transmission. Each particle (audience member) is only standing up/down. The particles/audience stay in place and don't propagate/run...
  2. L

    Textbooks on Fractals and Chaos

    Hi! I'm perusing fractals out of personal interest. Although I come from physics, I have a background in math-major undergrad mathematics (complex analysis, a bit of modern algebra). I find Mandelbrot's Fractal Geometry of Nature relatively light reading, but I am interested in a more standard...
  3. L

    Fractal Geometry Textbooks for Physics Applications

    I find Mandelbrot's Fractal Geometry of Nature relatively light reading, but am interested in a more standard textbook account to fill in my gaps in knowledge. Do people know of some good textbooks on the subjects - and other volumes relating to fractals and their application to physics.
  4. L

    Where Does Group Theory Belong on Physics Forums?

    Hi, I'm not finding group theory listed in any of the other math forums on so I'm wondering if it belongs here in the General Math forum or in another?
  5. L

    Group Theory - Help in learning

    Hi, I'm going through a group theory text on my own, as it is not formally covered in my undergrad curriculum. I've had a good (multiple course) background in the basics, differential equations, linear algebra with Hilbert spaces, etc., in my undergrad coursework in my physics major. I'd like to...