Recent content by lievbirman

  1. L

    Info on Bessel functions & their use as basis functions.

    Hello all,As an exercise my research mentor assigned me to solve the following set of equations for the constants a, b, and c at the bottom. The function f(r) should be a basis function for a cylindrical geometry with boundary conditions such that the value of J is 0 at the ends of the cylinder...
  2. L

    Schools Montana State University for Physics?

    Awesome thank you! Yes it looks like they do in fact publish all of the data, which includes physics course enrollments, jrs, srs, grad students enrolled, as well as number graduating that year. Much obliged!
  3. L

    Schools Montana State University for Physics?

    Yes, I am aware of their strength in research, I'm more worried about whether they have a decent amount of physics majors such that all of the necessary classes are readily available.
  4. L

    Schools Montana State University for Physics?

    Hello, I am looking into transferring to Montana State University for physics (undergrad from a 2-year college), they have really good solar physics research going on and the town (Bozeman) is beautiful and inspiring. My only concern is that the classes may be shaky considering that there are...