Recent content by Lexie_AT

  1. L

    What Are the Best Introductory Astrophysics Books for Beginners?

    Are they easy to be read and understood ? Thanks
  2. L

    Tools to Help You Enjoy Biology

    I've always hated biology, do you have some tools to make me like them ? Thanks, Alexandria
  3. L

    Where can I find recommended books to learn about Quantum Physics?

    You guessed right, Amazon is my second best friend, just after google ! :) Thanks for sharing !
  4. L

    What Are the Best Introductory Astrophysics Books for Beginners?

    Hi, I'm taking Astrophysics as an option next year. So I'm relatively new in this world, can you give me some advices, some books to read in my summer vacation ? Thanks, Alexandria
  5. L

    Where can I find recommended books to learn about Quantum Physics?

    Okay, I'll try to find them in the library or buy thel on the internet ! Thanks for your advices ! Thank you ! :)
  6. L

    Where can I find recommended books to learn about Quantum Physics?

    Hi and thanks ! Well I'm finishing high school... I think that the Introduction goes well with my case. I studied maths in advanced course but not like I'm hoping to study them next year... So to begin the two books seem great !
  7. L

    History of Maths: A Bibliography for Beginners

    As I'm starting studies in Pure Mathematics, I'd like to have a biblioagraphy to begin with. Then, can you give some bibliography to have an approach of the History oh Mathematics ?
  8. L

    Where can I find recommended books to learn about Quantum Physics?

    I'd like to have some ideas of books so that I get to know more about Quantum Physics. Not something too easy not something really complicated but something to know more about the subject. Thanks.