Recent content by Kyrios

  1. K

    How to calculate thickness of the wall in a wire chamber

    Homework Statement This is a question on multiple coulomb scattering in a wire chamber momentum p = 500MeV/c wire resolution = 120 microns distance from wall to wire = 0.01m radiation length of wall material X_0 = 2E-3 m mass of charged particle m_{\pi} = 139.6 MeV/c^2 charge z = 1 How thick...
  2. K

    Orbital period around Schwarzschild radius

    How can I simply assume that \omega = 0? It says that w is a constant. Since the previous question was for the case of the stationary observer, I'm quite sure that this one isn't after the same answer. Although I cannot see any way around it
  3. K

    Orbital period around Schwarzschild radius

    I have already worked out the proper time for a stationary observer, \Delta \tau = 6 \pi GM. The question specifically states that the observer is not at fixed coordinates, but moving with \phi = \omega t and emitting a photon while orbiting.
  4. K

    Orbital period around Schwarzschild radius

    Homework Statement An observer is orbiting at a radius r = 3GM, \theta = \frac{\pi}{2} and \phi = \omega t where w is constant. The observer sends a photon around the circular orbit in the positive \phi direction. What is the proper time \Delta \tau for the photon to complete one orbit...
  5. K

    Covariant derivative for four velocity

    Yes this is all that was given, unfortunately, so I'm having trouble explaining why exactly it is zero
  6. K

    Covariant derivative for four velocity

    Homework Statement Show U^a \nabla_a U^b = 0 Homework Equations U^a refers to 4-velocity so U^0 =\gamma and U^{1 - 3} = \gamma v^{1 - 3} The Attempt at a Solution I get as far as this: U^a \nabla_a U^b = U^a ( \partial_a U^b + \Gamma^b_{c a} U^c) And I think that the...
  7. K

    Temperature at horizon entry

    Homework Statement How do I calculate the temperature at which a galactic scale perturbation enters the horizon? This would be for radiation domination. Homework Equations \left( \frac{\delta \rho}{\rho} \right)_{\lambda_0} (t) = \left( \frac{a(t)}{a_{eq}} \right) \left( \frac{\delta...
  8. K

    Cosmological Expansion: Estimating Present Horizon Length

    So would this be done by calculating H_{eq} at equality, and then expanding with scale factor, L(z=0) = L_{eq} (1 + z_{eq}) ? If I do that, it gives a value a little under 150 Mpc.
  9. K

    Cosmological Expansion: Estimating Present Horizon Length

    Homework Statement If light traveled a distance L = H_{eq}^{-1} at M-R equality, how large does this distance expand to at present? (in Mpc) Homework Equations z_{eq} = 3500 \Omega_m = 0.32 at present \rho_c = 3.64 \times 10^{-47} GeV^4 present critical density The Attempt at a...
  10. K

    Finding the Error in z for q = -0.6 \pm 10\% and z = 0.2

    so I get this: DH = \frac{z(z+2) - z^2 q}{2} = 0.232 \frac{dq}{dz} = \frac{4DH - 2z}{z^3} = 66 \Delta q = \frac{dq}{dz} \Delta z \Delta z = \frac{0.06}{66} = 9 \times 10^{-4} The error seems really small..?
  11. K

    Solving expansion rate for a variant of the Friedmann equation

    ok, so H = \frac{1}{r_c} H = \frac{1}{a}\frac{da}{dt} = \frac{1}{r_c} \int_{0}^{a} \frac{1}{a} da = \int_{0}^{t} \frac{1}{r_c} dt ln(a) = \frac{1}{r_c} t a = \exp(\frac{t}{r_c}) Which is akin to dark energy domination a \propto \exp(Hr_c) ?
  12. K

    Finding the Error in z for q = -0.6 \pm 10\% and z = 0.2

    Homework Statement For the equation q = \frac{z(z+2) - 2DH}{z^2} q = -0.6 \pm 10\% , and z = 0.2. D and H are known exactly. I have to find the error in z that will give an answer of q = -0.6 \pm 10\% Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I have considered rewriting the equation...
  13. K

    Solving expansion rate for a variant of the Friedmann equation

    Yes r_c is a constant which is called the cross over scale. I don't think we need to know the value of it
  14. K

    Solving expansion rate for a variant of the Friedmann equation

    Homework Statement For the equation H^2 = \frac{8 \pi G \rho_m}{3} + \frac{H}{r_c} how do I find the value of H for scale factor a \rightarrow \infty , and show that H acts as though dominated by \Lambda (cosmological constant) ? Homework Equations \rho_m \propto \frac{1}{a^3} H > 0...
  15. K

    Threshold energy of proton beam?

    How can I find out what the momentum is in the CoM frame? Do I still need the CoM frame?