Recent content by KylieVegas

  1. KylieVegas

    Physics Can an applied physics graduate be a theoretical physicist?

    Hello thanks for all your answers! :D
  2. KylieVegas

    Physics Can an applied physics graduate be a theoretical physicist?

    I am from the philippines btw not from usa :)
  3. KylieVegas

    Physics Can an applied physics graduate be a theoretical physicist?

    Hello, can an applied physics graduate be able to be a theoretical physicist? Our school only offers applied physics major in instrumentation but they do send students to do interns/ojt (on the job training) to CERN and various universities all over the world. I know applied physics is more...
  4. KylieVegas

    B What is the center of the universe?

    You don't have to be rude, i asked because i didn't understand :)
  5. KylieVegas

    B What is the center of the universe?

    Thanks for the reply guys! I did some research and i understand it now :)
  6. KylieVegas

    B What is the center of the universe?

    I read in a book that there is no center of the universe because for example, you put dots around a balloon, and when you put air into the ballon, the dots will separate from each other, and each dot will see themselves as the center of the balloon, depending on the dots' perspective. That only...
  7. KylieVegas

    Programs Masters in physics without a different bachelors degree?

    Hello thank you guys for your replies, but here we can only go to med school if we finished bachelors degree in either biology, pharmacy, med tech, physical therapy, biochemistry and nursing. And out of all those courses i am most interested in biology so.. :( thank you for the help again have...
  8. KylieVegas

    Definition of Elementary Particle

    Elementary particle is also the same as Fundamental particle, which means it is a particle that is NOT made up of other particles, it has nothing inside it. Example, the fundamental particle of light is photon, where as the fundamental or elementary particle of the higgs field is higgs boson...
  9. KylieVegas

    Programs Masters in physics without a different bachelors degree?

    Thank you for your kindness :) hopefully i can work it out :)
  10. KylieVegas

    Why do high energy accelerators have to be so large?

    That would be really great! I'm so excited to see the future of high energy physics, hopefully next time i'd be able to contribute to it :)
  11. KylieVegas

    Why do high energy accelerators have to be so large?

    If they have already completed the standard model, what is next for particle physics? This is a lovely news btw!:)
  12. KylieVegas

    Programs Masters in physics without a different bachelors degree?

    Hello, thank you for your reply :) They insist on letting me go to med school, but it is really fine for me since i also like biology and medicine:) but can't i be a physicist and a physician simultaneously? And also can I take both astrophysics and biophysics? I know biophysics is about to be...
  13. KylieVegas

    Programs Masters in physics without a different bachelors degree?

    Hello I am an incoming Biology student (college), i really wanted to take applied physics as my course but my parents told me that it is better to be a doctor, anyways, it's summer here and I started taking Calculus 1 in (i have NO backgroud in calculus because we don't have...