Recent content by KyleS4562

  1. K

    Small approximation of the Derivative of the Bessel function

    Hi everyone, I have an equation that contains the derivative of the Bessel Function of the first kind. I need to evaluate Jn'(x) for small values of x (x<<1). I know that Jn(x) is (x)n/(2n*n!). What is it for the derivative?
  2. K

    What is the polar form of -2^i?

    i see wat to do now... thank you... it would be 2=exp(ln2) which means 2^i=exp(ln(2^i))=exp(i*ln(2)) which is polar form... totally forgot the properties of log
  3. K

    What is the polar form of -2^i?

    Homework Statement Convert -2^i to polar and rectangular form Homework Equations mag(a+ib)=sqrt(a^2+b^2) exp(i*angle)=cos(angle)+i*sin(angle) The Attempt at a Solution im not sure how to get the polar (or rectangular form) of -2^i. i know the answer is exp(-2.448rad)... i just don't know the...
  4. K

    Proof no photoelectric effect on a free electron

    It wouldn't have anywhere to go if it is absorbed. so that is why a photoelectric effect is wrong. so I can say: Before in CM: E_{CM,before}=E_{\gamma}+E_{e} E_{e}=\sqrt{(pc)^{2}+(mc^{2})^2} but, the momentum of the electron is the same as of the photon...
  5. K

    Proof no photoelectric effect on a free electron

    Homework Statement The question asks me to prove that the photoelectric effect cannot occur with a free electron. ie. one not bound to an atom. A hint is also provided: Consider the reference frame in which the total momentum of the electron and incident photon are zero. Homework...
  6. K

    Testing Time Dilation: Atomic Clocks in Jet Aircraft Experiment Results

    No i did not. I will try that. But would I have to consider the Earth's rotation in part a as well?
  7. K

    Testing Time Dilation: Atomic Clocks in Jet Aircraft Experiment Results

    In 1971 four portable atomic clocks were flown around the world in jet aircraft, two east bound and two westbound, to test the times dilation predictions of relativity. a) If the westbound plane flew at an average speed of 1500 km/h relative to the surface, how long would it have to fly for the...
  8. K

    Solving the Time Dilation Problem: Insights from a 1971 Experiment

    In 1971 four portable atomic clocks were flown around the world in jet aircraft, two east bound and two westbound, to test the times dilation predictions of relativity. a) If the westbound plane flew at an average speed of 1500 km/h relative to the surface, how long would it have to fly for the...
  9. K

    Is the Set of 3x3 Matrices Annihilating a Given Vector a Subspace?

    Homework Statement Are the 3X3 matrices A such that vector <1,2,3> is in the kernel of A, a subspace of R^(3X3)? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that the kernel condition gives a subset V={A|A*<1,2,3>=0} but I am not sure of how to proceed to show it is in fact...
  10. K

    Linear Algebra- Kernel and images of a matrix

    alright, thank you very much for your help
  11. K

    Linear Algebra- Kernel and images of a matrix

    for A: A^2 * x would equal the zero vector which means the ker(A^2) contains x but is not necessarily equal because it may contain another vector B. Is that saying the im(A) contains the im(A^2) but is not necessarily equal to the im(A^2) because it will span more vectors?
  12. K

    Linear Algebra- Kernel and images of a matrix

    Homework Statement Consider a square matrix A: a. What is the relationship between ker(A) and ker(A^2)? Are they necessarily equal? Is one of them necessarily contained in the other? More generally, What can you say about ker(A), ker(A^2), ker(A^3), ker(A^4),...? b. What can you say...
  13. K

    Linear Algebra- Transformations and

    Thank you very much for all your help
  14. K

    Linear Algebra- Transformations and

    Wow I didn't think of that. So it is just A^-1 = A then for b we can actually do it since A= [5,0,0] [0,5,0] [0,0,5] A^-1 = [1/5,0,0] [0,1/5,0] [0,0,1/5] then d if a rotation around an axis is defined by theta degrees than the inverse matrix will rotate the vector...