Recent content by Krunchyman

  1. Krunchyman

    I What is the equivalent of a group in category theory?

    Should I learn category theory? Sounds like it could be useful.
  2. Krunchyman

    I What is the equivalent of a group in category theory?

    I understand that in group theory, a group consists of a set and a binary operation for the elements in the set, and of course all the group axioms. But if we move away from set theory into category theory, is a group defined on a category?
  3. Krunchyman

    What Books Are You Currently Reading?

    I'm trying to finish Robert Greene's The Art of Seduction. If you've never heard it, don't be deceived--it's not your average PUA self-help junk. Telling the stories of figures such as Cleopatra, Casanova, Ellington, Lenin and Warhol, Greene has an amazing breadth of historical knowledge and...
  4. Krunchyman

    Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens

    Too much money is invested in modern Hollywood sci-fi films for directors to have any real creative freedom. That doesn't mean the movies can't be good, but it stops directors from taking big risks and creative leaps. I miss the days of Kubrick and Lucas when films were art and directors were...
  5. Krunchyman

    The Future of Space Exploration

    I'm waiting for asteroid mining to become a possibility. Once there's an economic incentive, there will be no shortage of firms scrambling to come up with new technology to get there on the cheap and mine more effectively. Hopefully, this will all be intertwined with colonization efforts on the...
  6. Krunchyman

    Studying How to pull myself together when facing disease, burnout, depression and more?

    I have the same problem. I start off each semester really strong and with a lot of enthusiasm, but as stress builds up I become more and more depressed until I burn out. I heard mindfulness meditation can help though.
  7. Krunchyman

    Advice to improve myself in the maths

    I recently asked my abstract algebra professor about proof-based textbooks and he suggested a text called Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs. It's aimed at ambitious undergraduates looking to prepare themselves for advanced proof-based courses. It's also designed for self-study...
  8. Krunchyman

    Teach me about classical mechanics please

    To what extend can they contribute to the solution? What are the research areas?
  9. Krunchyman

    Teach me about classical mechanics please

    Can mathematicians contribute to this problem?
  10. Krunchyman

    Teach me about classical mechanics please

    Does quantum field theory try to unify relativity and quantum mechanics? If not, what it is supposed to do?
  11. Krunchyman

    How can i start in quantum physics and quantum mechanics?

    Have you already learned classical mechanics, electromagnetism or optics?
  12. Krunchyman

    What are the Limitations of Machine Learning in Causal Analysis?

    The limit of machine learning is that it is still too restricted to certain kinds of problems. For example, we know how to solve optimization problems and we know how to solve classification and clustering problems. But humans classify, cluster, optimize and utilize far more advanced tricks than...
  13. Krunchyman

    Advice to improve myself in the maths

    Another question. Are you more interested in proving theorems or solving problems?
  14. Krunchyman

    Teach me about classical mechanics please

    I have no prior experience in physics, but I am a math undergrad so I know calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and stuff like that. So I'm ready to move from the conceptual "bedtime story physics" to stuff with real mathematical rigor. So, what is classical mechanics all about...